Library Management Software


As I have promise before to upload my Library System Source Code here. I clean up all unnecessary data last night so I can upload the software.

But instead of sharing the whole source code, I will upload first the compiled code and I will make a tutorial on how I programmed the library management system. In this way, I can eliminate some problem from beginners asking common question like how to open and or how to operate the application.

Although it would be beneficial to all to have the whole source code but I must give some little priority first to the beginner so they can also catch up on what I am doing.

But at the end of the tutorial I will surely upload again the whole source code. For the list of features of this software please visit the library system source code blog.

I have also prepared a simple demo on how to run the system.

Account information:

username: admin
password: lib

You can now access the tutorial at How to Make Library System.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


can u send me the source code of library system management in java. Email: [email protected]

hello sir , can you send me a source code of LIBRARY MANAGEMENT in running program in 'c' or 'c++' language my id - [email protected] thank you sir.........

hiiiiiiiiiiii plz send me soft copy of libray mangment project in c++....plz sir send it to me at my id [email protected].....................

Hi Sir...please send me the source code in c language of library management system. . please help. . plz send the code. . .Mail ID:[email protected]. . . Thank you sir. . . .

Hi, I would also like to have the source code. The switchboard is yellow in colour and not visible. [email protected] Thanks in advance. Praveen Thomas

hi sir, I need the source code of the above mentioned software (ASP as front end and MS access as back end) ma email id is [email protected]. plz make it soon

Plz send me Hospital management system project with whole source code in, and sql server 2005 as backend plz anyone help me plz

i'm new student. I m interesting library system mangement. Please send me the source code at [email protected]. thank for your help

sir, i am new requesting u to send source of library management system in visual basic or visual basic 6 code on this email id. plz sir....

sir can you please send me the code of library management system in vb6 and in my e-mail address [email protected] :) tnx a lot

Hello, This is a really great piece of work, so first and foremost thanks alot, I want to know more about the system. would you mind me asking the MDB file? please reply on my yahoo. [email protected]

i want to ask how i make this easily. give me hint kindly. i make this project with in 3 months can u help me for making a good project of "library managment system." [email protected]

First, I really like your great! But there are many features that I don't need for my users. Can you send me the source code or directions to alter the program to remove/update items? Thank you very much! [email protected]

sir i am B-Tech IInd year stusent , i have no idea to devlope library management project in java.please help me and send me source code.......... my E-mail id : [email protected] pls send me .................

hi, i need java source code for online library mgmt..can u plz help my email id is [email protected]

hello sir can you help me in library management system project by as language and oracle 10g as database. i need source code kindly please help me please my email id is [email protected]

Hi sir, I am a final year BE student.I want to do a project in LiMS using C # and SQL 2005. I dont have good idea on this projecct.Can u please send me the source code of this project to my email id ([email protected])

i got a project of file handling on library system can u please send me the on this id [email protected]

i want 2 do mini project in vb... pls help me with any project codinds... pls pls pls.... send 2 my id as soon as possible...... im requesting u 2 help me.....

I have to do a similar project and it would be nice if I had the source code of your library managment system. Can you please send it to me. Ill be forever grateful. [email protected]

hi i'm final year student. i need ur help. i want simple library management system. i did one but the database can't be updated trough the form. can u help me send the simple program to my email at [email protected]. thank you

This is sasi. I need this project and source code plz send me to [email protected]

I'm university final year student.i want to complet my project.please if you can sent module of library system in java. Thanks.

'm new student. I m interesting library system mangement. Please send me the source code at [email protected]. thank for your help

hello sir, i m rupal. plz mail me source code of library management system by java on [email protected] thank you somuch

sir i hava a problem in making library management system, can you please send me source code??? my email id is [email protected] thank you

i haven't seen it yet but thanks for your sharing. i hope it will be really help full for me.

plz an in my final year and i need the documentation and code on library management system i will be very glad

sir i have no idea to devlope library management project in java.please help me and send me source code.......... my E-mail id : [email protected] pls send me ................. thank you......

pls help me how we can create a email like g mail send message and attached file.i am trying but but still now i couldn't create.pls help me. send sourse code in my email:- [email protected] thanks.pls send as soon as possible.

Pls, I have a project on online library management system and i have no idea.Can u email is [email protected]


plz snd me complete source code of library management system.. i need it badly.. becoz my final year project is comming soon... and i have to submit and present it.... i will b very thnk ful to you if you snd me the source code of library management system

sir plz snd me the source code of library management system..... my e-mail id ::: [email protected]

hello sir; plz send me any project written in only, i need this project to submit our college in 2 days so i request you to send me a project earlier. thank you. my email id- [email protected]

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