library system

Simple Library Management System GUI using SQLite in Python Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Simple Library Management System GUI using SQLite in Python Free Source Code - A simple Python system that can manage your library store. This system can provide you with an efficient way of managing the records of your books and issuing books to customers. Python Free Source Code.

12 PHP Mini-Project Source Codes for Beginners

Submitted by oretnom23 on
In this blog, I will share some of the PHP Mini-Projects I developed. The purpose of this article is to help students or self-learners to have an actual PHP Project to learn with. The project could be a good start within developing a big scope project, used for practicing enhancing the system to harness their programming capabilities/knowledge, and you might find some useful scripts. PHP

Simple Library Management System in PHP Free Source Code

Submitted by Nikhil_B on
The project is entitled Simple Library Management System developed in PHP Language. This is a Library management software for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library. Since the project “ Simple Library Management System” is developed in PHP, it is mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding new members, new books, and updating new information, searching books and

Free Final Year Projects for Computer Science and IT Students 2020-2021

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Final Year Projects for Computer Science or IT Students This article list some projects that can be used for Final Year Projects for IT (Information Technology) and Computer Science students. The projects are developed or written using PHP, Visual Basic .NET, C#, and Python. These projects will help you to enhance or your knowledge and skills in developing software-based, web-based, or online

Library Management System using VB.NET and MySQL with Source Code

Submitted by janobe on
This is Library Management System is an automated system that is specially designed for school libraries. Its main goal is to help keep the records of every transaction of the books that is available inside the library. It’s a user-friendly system that means all functions are easy to learn and easy to use by the admin and even by occasional users. It also provides reports to know how many books

Library Management System in VB.Net, MySQL Database, and Bunifu Framework with Source Code

Submitted by janobe on
This Library Management System is a software-based system that is made of VB.Net, MySQL database, and Bunifu Framework that helps the design more elegant for the user-interface. The main goal of this system is to increase your library’s efficiency and save a lot of time for both librarians and users. The functions are very user-friendly that whenever the user uses this system, it helps the user

Library Management System with Barcode using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by alpha_luna on

Hi guys! I have here a Library Management System with Barcode that was built for Valladolid National High School. This system is simple yet a useful system that I create using PHP/MySQL that uses barcodes for the borrowing books. This system I created may help you with your future projects. Also, for the beginners who really want to learn basic coding in PHP/MySQL. It is a user-friendly kind of this system.