Library Management Software


As I have promise before to upload my Library System Source Code here. I clean up all unnecessary data last night so I can upload the software.

But instead of sharing the whole source code, I will upload first the compiled code and I will make a tutorial on how I programmed the library management system. In this way, I can eliminate some problem from beginners asking common question like how to open and or how to operate the application.

Although it would be beneficial to all to have the whole source code but I must give some little priority first to the beginner so they can also catch up on what I am doing.

But at the end of the tutorial I will surely upload again the whole source code. For the list of features of this software please visit the library system source code blog.

I have also prepared a simple demo on how to run the system.

Account information:

username: admin
password: lib

You can now access the tutorial at How to Make Library System.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


sir can u plz send me the source code of this library management system and some other simple projects source code of core java....plz sir

can u plz send me the source code for library management system in java. [email protected]


Dear sir, I am setting up the library from scratch. Could you send me the source code for [email protected]? I would be very thankful.

hello sir, iam a 1st year student,i need complete source code for library management system in c............plzzzzz help me sir...... my mail id = [email protected] thank you.........

hi i am student i need project on libarary management wid full souce code and proper documented plz help me my email id:- [email protected]

sir can send me a copy of the source code of a library system.. thank you sir ,, [email protected] ,, this is my id sir

hi, i work for a secondary school in a third world country. The school cannot afford a library management software, so they asked me if i could find a free one. all i am asking if it is possible for you to provide me programmer access to your software so that we could use it in this school. I hope that you will help me in this regard. thank you email. [email protected]

hai sir, the library management system is really nice sir....i need it's source code's very useful to my project ...pls,send me the source code.... Mail-ID : [email protected] thank you,

Sir,please send me the source code as i needed it badly in my assignment. Please send it to my email [email protected] thanks u very much sir

Sir,please send me the source code as i needed to my project in System Analyst and Design. Send me the source code with database as MS Access...... my [email protected]

i need help for library management system in c++ using file handling concept my mail id is [email protected]

i need to help me to develope hospital management system with vb 6.0 my email is [email protected] thank you with regards maricos

can you please send me java code for the library return system and the window applet above to [email protected] please thank you so much

sir can you help me in making a library system in vb....

Hello sir i m in last year of III year. My college demand the project in VB coding. So sir plz sent me Library management with coding. My emailid is [email protected] Plz sent me sir with in 2 days. Plz its request.................

i need source code for hospital manegment using core java my email id:[email protected]

hi i need code for hospital management in php and mysql and java script.. my e-id: [email protected]

hello sir can you help me in library management system project by using java front end and sql as back end i need source code kindly please help me please my email id is [email protected]

Hi All, Need some help with the Library System front end and SQL back end with code for barcode pls pls pls send it to my email: [email protected]

please send the library management project

i nead this project

Its really very nice. pls send me the source code and developing procedure for this project. My mail-id: [email protected] I hope that surely you will send this source code. plz help sir...........

h! can i get all the codes used in that library System...>?? plz... [email protected].. tnx

Hi, I would really appreciate if someone can please send me the code for this awesome Library management system. Please forward it to [email protected]. Again, thanks in advance


can you please send the visual basic source code of library management system...bckgrd ms sql & foregrd vb [email protected]

can u please mail me the source code to [email protected]. Thanks in advance.

ayuda a realizar un programa en c sharp,,,que trata,sobre el sistema de una biblioteca(que nos de pida el autor ,el libro,el titulo,el nombre del encargado de la biblioteca,el que presta el libro,la direccion del prestamista,su facultad o especialidad,dia de salida de libro,etc),,ayuda a la direccion [email protected]

Hello Sir can you kindly please send me all the source code of this system?? please? [email protected] i badly need it for my project. thanks in advance!

hello sir, can u plz send me the source code of library management systems in java.. it's very urjent... plz sir... plz mail it to [email protected] thanks in advance....

hi, i saw ur tutorial and download the software... i really like to understand the code of this software...plz...if u like to send it plzzz... my email is [email protected] plz it will really help to understand my subject more clear and will help in making my project billing system.. thank u very much...

dear sir i need your help for this my problem all about the code of library system in visual basic program connecting in data base if you input data visual basic textsearch can be search in data base

ser plz send to me the code of this library sytem my email was [email protected] plz ser

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