Zoom Effect App using HTML & CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code
The Zoom Effect App is a lightweight web application built entirely with JavaScript. This app features an interactive image zoomer that can zoom in to an image. The Zoom Effect App in VanillaJS is an ideal project for beginners, offering a straightforward way to zooming image. This project helps enhance basic coding skills in JavaScript programming.
The Zoom Effect App using HTML & CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code is free to be downloaded just read the content below for more info. This application is for educational purpose only.
Zoom Effect App using HTML & CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code Basic Information
- Language used: JavaScript
- Front-end used: HTML & CSS
- Coding Tool used: Notepad++ or any text editor that can run html files
- Type: Web Application
- Database used: None
About Zoom Effect App
The Zoom Effect App in VanillaJS is a lightweight, interactive web application that enhances user experience by allowing images or content to zoom in and out smoothly using pure JavaScript without relying on external libraries or frameworks. It combines HTML for structure, CSS for styling and transition effects, and JavaScript to handle event listeners like mouseenter, mousemove, and mouseleave, controlling the zoom level and positioning dynamically. This app is commonly used in image galleries, product showcases, or any content where users benefit from a closer, detailed view. The simplicity of VanillaJS keeps the code clean, fast, and easy to integrate into any web project.
Zoom Effect App using HTML & CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code Features
- Image Hover Zoom
- Hover over an image to smoothly zoom in on the area under the cursor.
- Supports multiple images on one page.
- Click-to-Zoom Mode
- Instead of hovering, users can click the image to toggle zoom in/out.
- Useful for mobile devices or interactive product views.
- Pan While Zoomed
- Once zoomed in, the mouse movement pans the zoomed area around the image.
- Ideal for larger images with intricate details.
- Mobile-Friendly
- Supports touch events — pinch-to-zoom or double-tap options for mobile devices.
Sample Application Screenshot:

Zoom Effect App using HTML & CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code Installation Guide
- Download the source code in this site.
- Locate and Extract the zip file.
- Open the extracted folder
- Find and locate the file "index.html".
- Open the file in a web browser(Chrome, Firefox, etc..).
That's all, The Zoom Effect App was created fully functional using JavaScript language. I hope that this project can help you to what you are looking for. For more projects and tutorials please kindly visit this site. Enjoy Coding!
The Zoom Effect App using HTML & CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code is ready to be downloaded just kindly click the download button below.
Related Projects & Tutorials
Zoom Effect AppNote: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
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