Library Management Software


As I have promise before to upload my Library System Source Code here. I clean up all unnecessary data last night so I can upload the software.

But instead of sharing the whole source code, I will upload first the compiled code and I will make a tutorial on how I programmed the library management system. In this way, I can eliminate some problem from beginners asking common question like how to open and or how to operate the application.

Although it would be beneficial to all to have the whole source code but I must give some little priority first to the beginner so they can also catch up on what I am doing.

But at the end of the tutorial I will surely upload again the whole source code. For the list of features of this software please visit the library system source code blog.

I have also prepared a simple demo on how to run the system.

Account information:

username: admin
password: lib

You can now access the tutorial at How to Make Library System.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


hi pls send me the php,msql and vb code of this library mnagemnt sytem (front end and back end) plss my email add [email protected] tnx in advance...

Great Tutorials , Thanks you ....

can you provide me the codes for the library system?? i badly graduating student. pls send it to my Email. tine.cavs ..thank you so much!

How to add html tags in vb6?. please help me?

your library project is veryy nice and i am using this .......and also i need source code for library management and student management system.. to my mail id:[email protected]

i need to do library management project with specified as VB as front end and DBMS as back end


Can you send me the code of this program ? this is my email add [email protected] thanks a lot!

Hi provide me a code to access my system details,software details and Hardware details using either javascript or vbscript....Thank you

best project

pls sir, i need the user name and password for the library mangement, bcoz i was unable to access it. my email is [email protected]. thanks

i need your help in making a library system in with ms access... can u send this code to me? here is my email.. [email protected] tanx in advance

i am studying 3rd yr it, i need library management project by using net bean software in java, plz send my e-mail id sir plz sir plz sir

This is very simple and there is no need for any source code to execute it as MS access give the design view to design such textfield and button and run time environment to execute background query like select,insert,update to be worked for login.edit,update.So any class V students who has an affinity with MS product can easily make this max 2 max within 7 days...

In reply to by IBM King Khan (not verified)

You must be kidding. Oh really you can do it in just 7 days? You must be a pro. It seems that this library system has a lot to offer than you think. It has a lot of forms and reports which I doubt you can do it in just 7 days. The borrowing and returning of books, as I have examined, really needs a code and not just bound controls. Better we ask the author of this system if he/she can do it within 7 days as you've said. Your pathetic!

Can you please send me the code. I would like to import my table from my old database. [email protected]

Hi, I am Sandhya Kommineni. I want to submit a project using HTML and Java script mainly. We can also use other also. Requirement is HTML and Java script. Can you please send me any project with whole source code. I am waiting for ur reply mail me [email protected]

Dear MR PERMALINK, i tried to call you but your mobile i switched off. I am in a urgent need in help i would like to buy a library system software from you made in Microsoft Access. If you could help me in anyway i would appreciate. Hope to hear from u soon. These are the main objective which my system should have
• Develop as system that can replace the manual library managing system.
• Develop a database which stores user details and book details.
• Develop a system where the fines are calculated easily, where editing is simple, deleting and adding new members.
• Give reliable search facility for the users.
• Administrator, librarian and users should have separate logins.
• Create an easy to understand user friendly environment.
• Attractive user interfaces to navigate through the system for the users.
• To create a secure system where only authorize people are allowed to access.

Hi, If you need library system just contact us at this link:

KindlySend me the Latest Codes ..!

sir, i need online shopping java code that simply like ebay shopping site please helpme.............

pliiiiiz send me the code for this project.. my email address is [email protected]. thankyou in advance.

i want to learn more about php and can someone pls help me out

For those who ask for source code, kindly read the article carefully. There's a link in the article that you can follow in order to download the source code. Hope this helps.

Sir instead of source code u please explain various steps involved in designing and developing this software. It will be of great help. I want to develop this software in java from scratch.

public class Book {

String bookname;
Integer bookno;
Integer noofcopies;
public String getBookname() {
return bookname;
public Integer getBookno() {
return bookno;
public Integer getNoofcopies() {
return noofcopies;
public void setBookname(String bookname) {
this.bookname = bookname;
public void setBookno(Integer bookno) {
this.bookno = bookno;
public void setNoofcopies(Integer noofcopies) {
this.noofcopies = noofcopies;


I did see it yet

I need a mini project on department management system in MySql and front end VB.

hello sir i need username @ password will u please send it to my email id thanku sir
[email protected]

Can any one of you send me the C# coding to make a library system...Plz help me with my project ...... [email protected]

Can anyone of you help me by sending the codes to make a library management system...I need to complete my project...Help me please :) ..... [email protected]

Looks like great stuf!

source code topic(add new book,List all book,available book,borrowed book,remove book,edit book details,add a member,listing all member,edit a member, remove a member, search for member and book,borrow book, retuning book,list of issued book,reserve a book)this all topic code immediate please in my email id [email protected]


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