Library Management Software


As I have promise before to upload my Library System Source Code here. I clean up all unnecessary data last night so I can upload the software.

But instead of sharing the whole source code, I will upload first the compiled code and I will make a tutorial on how I programmed the library management system. In this way, I can eliminate some problem from beginners asking common question like how to open and or how to operate the application.

Although it would be beneficial to all to have the whole source code but I must give some little priority first to the beginner so they can also catch up on what I am doing.

But at the end of the tutorial I will surely upload again the whole source code. For the list of features of this software please visit the library system source code blog.

I have also prepared a simple demo on how to run the system.

Account information:

username: admin
password: lib

You can now access the tutorial at How to Make Library System.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


Greeting sir, Could ur plz continued ur tutorial on how to make this Library system until fiinish..plz plz..i really want to know it..

sir, thanks for ur guidance to start this ... the same time there is no source code available fo rhis project..if u upload it is useful to all..

Dear Jay, I am most interested in your application for a small library in a Palliative Care Office. I have Microsoft Access 2000 and was wondering if the source code is applicable to this version. We are a volunteer organization and have few resources to update software. Thanks for your help, Regards, Bill

Hi Jay, When I try and open the file Library Management Software.mdb, I get an error that says: "The database is in an unrecognized format" The database has been created with a later version of Microsoft Access than the one you are using. Upgrade you version of Microsoft Access to the current one, then open this database. When viewing the file in Windows Explorer, it shows a small blue padlock on the file icon. I am using Microsoft Access 2002 SP3. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Bill

dear itz a matter of concern if u using data control....via it u can acess the older versions of data base 2000 and 97 ...jus go in acess and change your database to acess 1997 u will Inshi Allah get over it!!! best of luck

Hi I am also working on this project using Core Java...but i am facing some of the problems in accessing my database(Ms Access).. Please help me so that i found the problem and sortout the possible reasons behind this.

please could you kindly help to send a program on the above subject to my e-mail at [email protected]? Please kindly help me. i am a student. i really need your help.

Could you please send to me a project for the topic "Automation of Library Operations"? My e-mail address is [email protected]. Your kind asistance is highly appreciated please. Remain blessed. you have a library management software written using Visual basic 6 (VB6)...

Good day Sir!! I have my final requirements in software engineering with regards to system, I haven't decided what system I should develop. Can you you help me decide what system should I have to develop. Thanks

i want a project for library security in visual basic please help me

i am student of 4th yr cs engg. and my project title is also library management system. plzz send me the source code of ur project with database as ms access... plzz help me sir... i am in deep trouble rite now... my mail id- [email protected]

sir pls can i have the complete source code of this program for the completion of my project .can u send it in my e-mail add. with detail of important code for my study & development it in my own ways here is my e-mail add [email protected] thanks

Hello sir.. if it is possible for you to send me the project based on the above topic plz do it as I have to submit the mini project on library management. thanks [email protected]

I need to develop hospital management system so please help me. my front end is java and back end my sql so please help me again feee source code with forums here is my e-mail [email protected] and [email protected] pls send me source code for hospital management system atleast 15 tables with free source code

i need to develop DICOM work for medical term so i need to help me free source code programming using java my e-mail [email protected] with regards maricos ghebre reply

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 23:34. please you send me a hospital management system data base with back end mysql and front end java source code reply

Hi Sir..... Could you please send me a VB project based on "Library Management System" My Email Address :[email protected]

hi! ne one can suggest ne gud project on .net platform????? reply at----------- [email protected]

pls can i have the complete source code of this program for the completion of my thesis.can u send it in my e-mail add. here is my e-mail add [email protected] thanks in advance

sir im a 3rd yr student taking BSIT and i need the source code for the library management system, can you please send it to my mail [email protected] thanks a lot it would help me big time!

hi, iwould like to download library database. im using access 2003. i need ur help.

Sir, Will u pls sent me the source codes for barcode scanner supermarket management system? please.. thanks in advance..

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

i need source code in vb for library management system.. plz help me sir.

Its really very nice. pls send me the source code and developing procedure for this project. My mail-id: [email protected] I hope that surely you will send this source code.

Hi sir, Its really well crafted , Is it possible for me to have the source code of it...My id is [email protected]. Thank you, Karan

Hi am doing a project on Hospital Managment System could u please help me. my Id is [email protected]

sir, i need source code for online library management of engineering college in c++. main requirements are :: login id and password database for books student and faculty members can access search,add,modify,delete, update options ------ please send to [email protected]

hai sir, the library management system is really nice sir....i need it's source code's very useful to my project ...pls,send me the source code.... Mail-ID : [email protected] thank you,

Hello sir, please can you send me source code, if not, another similar example source code for the 'borrow' function. My email is [email protected] Thanks

sir I have a problem in making library management system can you please send the source code? [email protected] Thank you sir

good day sir! can you kindly please send me all the source code of this system?? please? [email protected] i badly need it for my project. thanks in advance!

Hello sir.. if it is possible for you to send me live videos the project based on the above topic plz do it as I have to submit the mini project on library management. if it is possible for you to add your website live videos of training of software development. my id:[email protected] thanks

sir, i'm mahesh. i need source code for library management system.plz would u kindly sent source code used by vb to [email protected]

Hi! can i ask some codes for me to know how to build my project library system in our subject.please reply tnx.

sir plz send source code of this library mgmt system in java, my gmail is [email protected]

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