Application Accounts Manager Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code


Welcome to the Application Accounts Manager! This simple yet powerful web-based tool is designed to help you securely store and manage your application account details with ease. Whether it's your Gmail, Facebook, or any other account, you can conveniently save your application name, username, and password. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this application ensures a seamless user experience with a clean and responsive design. Your data is securely stored in your browser's localStorage, allowing you to access your saved accounts anytime without worrying about data loss.

With features like password visibility toggling, easy account deletion, and intuitive input fields, managing your accounts has never been easier. Simply fill in your details, save them, and view or delete them whenever needed. The Application Accounts Manager is perfect for anyone looking for a straightforward, secure, and efficient way to keep track of their login credentials.

You may also check this simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript project:


  • Securely Save Account Information: Users can store their application login details, including software name, username, and password.
  • Local Storage Support: All saved accounts are stored in the browser's localStorage, ensuring data persistence.
  • Toggle Password Visibility: Users can view or hide passwords with a simple eye icon click.
  • Responsive Design: The application is designed to be user-friendly on various screen sizes.
  • Delete Accounts Easily: Each saved account can be removed with a single click.

Technologies Used:

  • HTML – For structuring the web application.
  • CSS – For styling and making the interface visually appealing.
  • JavaScript – For handling user interactions and storing data in localStorage.

How to Use:

  1. Enter Your Details

    • Fill in the "Application" field with the software/service name (e.g., Gmail, Facebook).
    • Enter the associated username and password.
    • Click the "Save Account" button.
  2. View Saved Accounts

    • All stored accounts will be listed under "Saved Accounts."
    • Click the eye icon to toggle password visibility.
  3. Delete an Account

    • Click the Delete button next to an account to remove it from the list permanently.

Sample Screenshots of the Project

Landing Page

Sample Accounts

How to Run?

  • Download the provided source code zip file.
  • Extract the downloaded zip file.
  • Open the html file and you are now ready to go!

Video Demonstration for Installation/Setup:


In conclusion, the Application Accounts Manager is a straightforward and efficient solution for securely managing your application credentials. With its user-friendly design, essential features like password visibility toggling, and data persistence through localStorage, it ensures that your account information is always accessible and organized. Whether you're managing a few accounts or many, this tool simplifies the process, providing a secure and convenient way to store and manage your login details.

That's it! I hope this "PDF to Word Converter Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript" will assist you on your  programming journey, providing value to your current and upcoming projects.

For additional tutorials and free source codes, explore our website.

Enjoy Coding :>>

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.

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