Point of Sale and Inventory System - VB 6 Version


Free Point of Sale (POS) and Inventory System.

A must have features:

  1. Barcode support
  2. Point of Sales
  3. Place an order (sales order or purchase order)
  4. Receive or deliver an order by batch
  5. Support for returning of orders
  6. Product inventory according to unit of measures
  7. Run the source code to appreciate the program

Note: Automatic numbering of barcode (field) is used to simulate barcoding system. Just used the correct barcode of the product if you want to use the barcoding system.

Account information:

username: admin
password: a

For the database password please read FAQ.

Download POS and Inventory System v1.0 Installer here.

Note: You need crystal reports 8.5 to run the source code. If you don't have crystal reports you can still open the source code without problem with the ocx by installing the Installer above.

As you may already know, VB 6 is not already supported by Windows 10. So if you have this version, it's better to run a virtual machine like VMWare and install Windows XP to avoid any problem.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

To get all the dependency file just run the project file dynamicall under installshield.

In reply to by admin

Dear admin, my installshield stop running when I am package this project. This stop with messages Visual Basic Wizard "Scanning C:\Windows\System32\Crystl32.ocx". So I close and try again but I still get this problem. Why admin?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

That's not suppose to be there. Please open the components dialog box uncheck that control if you can see it.

In reply to by admin

Dear admin, Package is finish but installed in another computer, app got error in all reports with message Component error "cannot be load --Crystl32.ocx-- is not registared or missing or invalid" I checked in system32 folder, I found this Crystl32.ocx. How this admin??

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Have you checked the components dialog box if cryst32.ocx is there? Is it checked or not? If yes, then uncheck than control. If not, then please download the source here again.

you can help to my problem?my system needed some sales transaction...please gid me some clue or codes to run my system..tnx

Best regards, i love your share.

When open all report i got error "Physical Database Not Found" what is happened ?,  how can i solve this problem.

Another problem is when i tried print "Stock Records" i got message "424 Object Required",

As note i already compile and make exe from your source code.

thanks for your support.

can u give me a c++ code for POS?!



Do you have a Purchase Order Form?Can you give it?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

There's a purchase order feature in this program.

How to change the vat? Is there any way to change it.




In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The vat value is hard coded so change it in the code window.

Why I can't print barcode in "print barcode" menu but another reports not problem, how solve this problem admin? tq.

when I click icon "printer" in layout, my printer not respon but another report I click icon "printer" and my print succesful printed..

Dear Admin,

this system very useful in my business . .. but hopefully i can also see my daily, monthy, yearly profit . ..




Dear Admin,

is there also another way for me to see the supplier's price in the main menu since i also giving a wholesale price . .. and a profit report daily, monthly, yearly . ..


thank u so much . ..



In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

What do you mean by supplier's price in the main menu?

what i mean is that . . .in the LOOKUP menu(F7) is there any way for me to see the supplier's price since i am also giving wholesale price . . .

very useful po talaga system mo. ..

thank u so much admin!

Dear Admin,

here's another question of mine . .why is it the purchased item i encoded triplicate the copy in periodic cash sales report? just like this . .


thanks admin 

dear admin, is that a stable system? would you rete in out of 10.00


I really looking for a system to go with it. bcoz dont have to code, need a ready system :)

any plan to make ver 2.0, can pay some $



In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yes sure if you can donate some money for the next upgrade I am willing to start it as soon as possible.

Your donation will be of help.


sir, if it is ok with you, can you send me the installer for crystal report 8.5 through my email add: arp0811@gmail or yahoo.com, coz i cannot run the system without it. I downloaded crystal report 9 from torrentz and installed it properly but i think it is not compatible with your system. I'm badly needing it right now... really really need it. Thank you in advance. God Bless.


I dont know what do you mean that you dont allow torrentz here, all i want is crystal report 8.5 installer, I need to run your system and use it for reference in my study. I dont have any intention of sharing it or uploading into torrentz. So sir, if you still have that crystal report installer, kindly send it to my email add: [email protected] or yahoo.com. Thanks.


I have a problem regarding my faculty DTR system i need help to make this system, the flow of the system, are when the faculty teacher log in the subject and time will indecate and also sytem can automaticaly determine the time and the subject of the teacher. iam using the connection like adodc to the data base.. pls i need some tutorial or sample source code for this system using the adodc.... tnx god bless.

if you have time to send my the source code you can send me in my Email Address [email protected] SAE


Thanks admin for sharing your wonderful codes. I think everyone of us really benefit from it one way or another. But just like you I am also a programmer using VB6 but then with the released of this VB.NET 2005 and now 2008 and in the very near future the 2010 version it is indeed very hard to cope up with the fast pacing versions. Considering the busy time at work I can not make my self to get sometime to upgrade my knowledge from VB6 to the .NET version.

I heard that you are converting one of your uploaded system into VB.NET, what version you are using 2003, 2005 or 2008? and what database MS Access or SQL Server 2005/2008? Please let us know if you have completed the conversion, because that would be a great help to start upgrading our knowledge from VB6 to .NET. Usually, for us, to have a sample code will start everything.

More power to you and to your share. Wish you luck in your projects and future uploads. Thank you very much. Will be waiting for your VB.NET version.


Thank you for your interest in my program. One of the active project that I am upgrading now to VB.NET is the Hotel Reservation System. I am using the latest version which is the 2008.

I am planning also to upgrade the Point of Sale to vb.net 2008 after Hotel Reservation.

I have also an Enrollment System which is program using vb.net 2008.


Wow! That would be great if you will be able to finished all those apps using VB2008 version, I know many of us, especially me will be able to learn and get some tips from it.

But then, just one question, have you encountered a problem when you tried to make an installer package of one of your VB6 apps with CrystalReports 8.5 using InstallShield software? Somehow, I am getting this problem that when the InstallShield scans the crystl32.ocx it just hangs there, I just thought that it is normal and just taking a while but it was almost 2 hours and I am still in the same screen. Have you encountered this problem?

If yes, can you give me some idea on how you have figured-out the problem. I googled the problem and found some suggestions, one is to edit the crystl32.dep file but unluckily I don't have the file in my system. I've searched the whole drive but there's no such file. Somebody said it was hidden, so I set my folder option to show the hidden files, still I don't have the file.

Maybe you can help me, or anybody from here? That would be a great help. Thanks in advance and more power to this very useful site.


Someone has question this before. I'm wondering why is it that the installshield is still looking for this .ocx since I already remove it from the project components.

I don't have any error regarding this control in my computer, since, may be I have this .ocx file.

For the vb.net version I am currently working on the room vacancy. Just finished reservation module yesterday.


Your code was really wonderful.....

Can you send me the link or tell me fromwhere i can download crystal reports 8.5

my id is : [email protected]


Thank You



Nirmal Business Solutions Inc.


I s there any touch scree features i mean that you can pick the items as command buttons and not write the bar code, also how the PO and Receive items work i tried to create a po and receive items but neither sales price changed nor cost price its just zero

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

A Touch Screen works like a mouse except you use your finger right into your monitor.

Sales price is configured under the product profile.

i didn't mean the touch screen it self i mean like most of restaurant POS system which rather than right the item code you can press on button

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

You can access that using the shortcut keys.

I know the shortcuts will take you to the screens but i mean inside the sales screen rather than write the code is there a way to create icons for all items under main group of icons so if i press food it will bring food items so i can click on the button so it will add the item to the grid and so on.

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