Point of Sale and Inventory System - VB 6 Version


Free Point of Sale (POS) and Inventory System.

A must have features:

  1. Barcode support
  2. Point of Sales
  3. Place an order (sales order or purchase order)
  4. Receive or deliver an order by batch
  5. Support for returning of orders
  6. Product inventory according to unit of measures
  7. Run the source code to appreciate the program

Note: Automatic numbering of barcode (field) is used to simulate barcoding system. Just used the correct barcode of the product if you want to use the barcoding system.

Account information:

username: admin
password: a

For the database password please read FAQ.

Download POS and Inventory System v1.0 Installer here.

Note: You need crystal reports 8.5 to run the source code. If you don't have crystal reports you can still open the source code without problem with the ocx by installing the Installer above.

As you may already know, VB 6 is not already supported by Windows 10. So if you have this version, it's better to run a virtual machine like VMWare and install Windows XP to avoid any problem.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


Bro.. Where can i goggle sites about barcodes?

Sir, When i settle Cash sales sometimes the data report is not viewable ( Blank on data reporting ).Any solution to make this no to Re-Print ? And How to adjust the stock unit ? without through purchase order or local purchase ? Thanks for your reply

I'm a bit confuse with your question. Do you mean enable you to print the report again? If yes then you can click the button at the right side of the settle button. The label is very clear. Re-print...

Sometimes when i settle transaction,it's give me to blank report ( i don't know why it is happen ).and i must re-print the reports to show up the transaction report. My question is why it is happen ? Thanks for your reply

THank you sir :D We appriciate your help very much :D

thanx for the software i tried to acces the program with the username:admin pass: a i couldn,t i am using win7

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

This problem is caused by non english language in the regional settings. Wait until I finished the tutorial on how to insert the username and password that I'm going to create specifically for this purpose only.

I cannot acccess the proramme it shows Compile error for frmpreview Please Help

Am tring to open the database but it requires password which i am using "a" which is invalid please help

why is it that some application part of the pos.zip is not working properly like sales order delivey,local purchase,purchase order and receive stock. could you help how can i run it properly. i badly need your reply. pls.pls,. pls.


sir i have downloaded the software but i dont know how to go about it. Can u pls help me since am a novice

u have any sales and inventory system code using C# and OleDb?!

In reply to by slynz

Currently I don't have one.

Hello, could you please give a link for crystal reports? Thanks ...

Dear sir, when adding items, i have entered my stocks on hand.. why does the number of stocks are not subtracted even if i sold them already..? does you really didn't add such function?

Dear Master can u plz tell me that how to add a sale return, because currently its not adding a sale return, I try to add code on Sale Return AE form but its gerenrating an error that I'm unable to catch I try to add an event Lost Focus on "Invoice No" Can u plz help me or give any clue to solve the issue.

Dear Master can u plz tell me that how to add a sale return, because currently its not adding a sale return, I try to add code on Sale Return AE form but its gerenrating an error that I'm unable to catch I try to add an event Lost Focus on "Invoice No" Can u plz help me or give any clue to solve the issue.

Hello Sir,Can u teach us the source code of Purchase,sales,search and Edit? plz......we need it for our inventory

sir pls help us to create sales and inventory system using visual basic and sql....help us pls......it is for tha sake of our defense on monday.....

sir plz me to send your system the pos of sale and inventory system

my question is why is it that after the transaction when i click the settle or F11, print is running but there's no amount in the output Im using epson TM-U220 parallel. one more question how would i changed the business name, the address in the receipt? tnx... plz help me! here's my email add [email protected]

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

But do you see the item on the report?

only the item i saw in the report no amount at all when i print it. what should i do? im starting using ur system in my mini groceries. plz help me

In reply to by jheanville

Can you show me the screenshot of the report? Download the image to imageshack.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

how would i change the business name, address, contact so that it may appear in the receipt or report. i already installed inventory system v1.0

after transaction why is it that the receipt output has no amount only. not a complete output

Sir, I am doing this project DEVELOPMENT OF BARCODE SYSTEM FOR LIBRARY for my school library as my final project. please help me with source code which will link the barcode scanner to the program (vb and vb.net). thanks.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Sorry but I can't help you right now if this is what you need. I am prioritizing paid services as of this time.

how to create web application in vb.net.Please reply how to develop online tourism project in vb.net.

hello sir, how can i the nsdvendor.UseSQLServerDB = TRUE bcoz im trying to migrate this to MS SQL XXXX i have the feeling that nsdVendor.ConnectionString is failing me so it displays error : INVALID AUTHORIZATION SPECIFICATION. all of the NSDATACOMBO is not working causes of that error in using ms sql server database.... thanks in advance, more power, god bless thonyray

here is the code in the initialized NSD Private Sub InitNSD() 'For Vendor With nsdUnit .ClearColumn .AddColumn "Unit ID", 1794.89 .AddColumn "Unit", 2264.88 .UseSQLServerDB = True ' i use this method i just saw this at the control property .Connection = CN.ConnectionString ‘here is the code of connection string ‘Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=HPCOMPUTER;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False;MARS ‘Connection=False;DataTypeCompatibility=0;Trust Server Certificate=False; .sqlFields = "VendorID, Company, Location" .sqlFields = "UnitID, Unit" .sqlTables = "Unit" .sqlSortOrder = "Unit ASC" .BoundField = "UnitID" .PageBy = 25 .DisplayCol = 2 .setDropWindowSize 7000, 4000 .TextReadOnly = True .SetDropDownTitle = "Units Record" End With End Sub

sir, why is it that in printing a receipt in cash sales, the details in the receipt incomplete, no amount, no quantity, no date... but when i used the canon printer complete details. what should i do... ? plz help me im using your software in our mini groceries business... tnx and more power

Sir Jay, , pa help nman po sa code ng retrive Q , , ito po laging mali "rs.Open sql, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic" sana po ma2lungan nu po uli aQ salamat Private Sub cmdRetrieve_Click() DataGrid.Enabled = False Call myConnection sql = "Select * from tblSubjects where Code = '" & txtCode.Text & "' or Description = '" & txtDescription.Text & "' or Unit = '" & txtUnit.Text & "' or Department = '" & cboDepartment.Text & "' order by LastName asc" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open sql, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then txtCode.Text = rs!Code txtDescription.Text = rs!Description txtUnit.Text = rs!Unit txtDepartment.Text = rs!Department Call LockControl(True) cmdAdd.Enabled = False cmdEdit.Enabled = True cmdSave.Enabled = False cmdFind.Enabled = False cmdRetrieve.Enabled = False cmdCancel.Enabled = True cmdDelete.Enabled = True DataGrid.Enabled = False cmdFirst.Enabled = False cmdPrevious.Enabled = False cmdNext.Enabled = True cmdLast.Enabled = True Else Call MsgBox("Record not found in the database.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Faculty Loading System") Call ClearText txtDepartment.Visible = True txtDepartment.Text = "" txtCode.SetFocus End If End Sub

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