Hi Guys! How are you? Sharing to you my simple Audit compliance system. This System includes: Admin all access 1. Store readiness - Add, Edit, Delete, - Scoring/Average/Rating 2. Compliance checklist - Add, Edit, Delete, - Scoring/Average/Rating 3. Reports User: Add, Edit, Report only Username: Admin Password: admin
Student Guidance Monitoring System with SMS Notification is an automated system that aims to easily check or track the behavior of students in the school campus. With the use of this system, the admin will be able to record the number of times a student has been called into the Guidance Office because of the offenses or complains against the student. Then, in here an S MS notification is used to
LOGIN into Access using Visual Basic(VB6) Previously I had created a database connection to MS access using Visual Basic(VB6) at https://kogibay.com . In this project I have gone further to create a login system using VB6 and access database. Feel free to access this source code but always mention the coder or his email [email protected]
Create, Read, Update, Delete, Search Access Database using VB6 I have created employee table in Access Db and am performing insert, read, update, delete, search.Full project available at https://kogibay.com.In case you need further help contact [email protected] .
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to retrieve data using datetimepicker in vb.net. This method has the ability to filter the data in a specific date by using the datetimepicker. In this way, you will be able to find out how many records will appear in the date that you have selected. See the procedure below.
JB Sales and Inventory System This Sales and Inventory System is developed using Visual Basic 6 and using MS Access 2003 database in the back end. This is developed according to my school project requirements for the subject of Computer Programming III (Visual Basic). Main Features are: 1. Customers(Super Distributors) and vendors Profile 2. Orders Processing 3. Inventory Management 4. Invoice
This app is designed using Visual Basic. It is good for beginners who wants to learn the language, easy to understand. Just extract the zip file and launch the app. Happy coding...