Human Resource Management System

This is a human resource management system, in which employee insert, update deletion etc is done or employee performance handling etc... hope it will be helpful...

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hello , u done a very good job on this application but could u tell in which .net version it is devloped brother beacuese i tried to open it in 2008 but it is not opning


im a bca student, i took my (mini)project on the topic hrms.. it should be done in vs 2010 with sql... i got only 1 and half months to complete the project.. so pls giv necessary details to start project.. im doing the project first time.. pls help me.. i will sent my mail id to ur mail.. hope u will help me.....

Dear, I was waiting for such cods for the last four months and now you are here to happen first thanks a lot this project will help me a lot in my programing class. thank you again !!

Dear Brother, السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته و بعد، You really done a good job, May Allah give you success for your true Dreams. thanks

Your done nice project dear. I like to developing a Application,but see your project im becoming interesting in Good Luck..... [email protected]

how can i restore the .bak file? in the command line in mysql?

Hi, i need a help in how to make a search button'... please help me i will use a visual studio 2010

Thanks a lot.......... Plz suggest me sum good books for 2005 And also send me some master and transaction codes regards, [email protected]

database username or password is wrong...i can't restore db..i am using vs2010 u said : username: osama or sabahat password: maverick

there is not any password for restoring database, username osama or sabahat , password : maverick is an admin login credentials. If You have any problems in restoring database kindly follow the below link of my blog: if still have any problems regarding this, email me at: [email protected]

can u do this in vs2008??? with bacrcode id for capturing employee's attendance. sukran.. allah blessed u.

but how i can import in visual studio and add the required setting to run this project .. and u hav this proect in then please send me this info to [email protected]

i am a biginner my project is hris but i am using vb6 do you have a code of it

help me how to use run this system. can u send me the installer of sql!..thanks

hello there i need ur help. am trying to develope HRM code but i don't have any idea about this and also i don't have any idea about .net so pls give me a code of HRM am waiting for ur help [email protected] this is my e-mail address thanks for every thing for your help

could any one send me the documeants of this woul be helpfull if any on mailed me the mail id [email protected] you

I have taken your HR system for my project. But the only problem is that we have to use Oracle to use as database in back end. Can you please help how do we modify your system to be used with oracle

hi, where do get the source code of entire proect along with ER diagram?

hello there i need ur help. am trying to develope grocery inventory system code but i don't have any idea about this and also i don't have any idea about .net so pls give me a code of grocery inventory system am waiting for ur help [email protected] this is my e-mail address thanks for every thing for your help

Salam, Thank you very much for the brilliant source code, Gladly I understood it completely but the only concern I have is regarding the database. this is my email [email protected] please email me the database structure so i can just link it to it. Thank you again

actuall whats the new thing in this project other than adding or maintaining the employee data base can u plz ans me sir

This system, how to download?
please help?

i need a java source code for human resource management

i am starting human resource management system project by PHP please savs my life i am finall year,please attach it source cod by email:[email protected] thankyou!!!!!!!

No Data Base !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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