This is a lexical analyzer which generate tokens of c++ file.. it extracts libraries, reserve words, variable names and operators from c++ source file... it is for the compiler construction students....
this is a chatting application which let you chat on LAN, two files are available in this application, first is ChatServer run it first and press "Run" button to activate the Server and then run ChatClient and put your nickname at the top and press confirm button then press "Connect To Main Server" button, Now you are able to chat with each other.. Hope it will be helpful for you guys
This is a simple MCQ's Testing application where user login through its id and password and after comes different mcqs, student answer them then at the end can see his/her progress... Admin can add questions to databases etc....
This is image resizer application which let you select the source folder containing images in it and then resize it to your specified resolution...
This is a human resource management system, in which employee insert, update deletion etc is done or employee performance handling etc... hope it will be helpful...
this blog contains programming material related to , c# , java and c++... miscelleneous helpful codes for the beginners. visit that site i hope it helps you.
this is a simple project which search in lisbox while writing in textbox or at the same time user can see what he typed on image as well. for more helpful codes related to,c#,java and c++ visit
ATM machine programmed in java... there is a admin menu for creating,deleting,updating,searching a user account..... and there is a user menu where he/she can withdraw,deposit,transfer cash etc... all the data is stored using file handling.... i hope u like this....