School Management System

School management software using VB.NET with SQL Server 2005. I have developed school management software. It can be maintain student attendance and teacher attendance and timetable for each class and sections and maintain expense for daily spend to maintain and report come for all transaction. user name:admin password: pass Madhavan.G

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I am first time know this sourcecode, may i know how to used this code?

this program is so good thx for that code

dear, I cannot attach the school.bac to my sql server 2012. could you please upload the mdf file

I am getting errors in DB CLASS Anyone please share the code of DB CLASS please.

Hi, Please can you help me , because in zip file is missing a .ndf file , because there is only .bak file and i cann't attach the database in sql server 2008

please make code mechanisim as simpleand short

Please can you send me database file for this VB project. thanks my email address is [email protected]

Please help me and send the school management system source code througth this email "[email protected]" for me because am using it for my final year project thank's.

Please help me and send the java program (student registry) source code through this email "[email protected]" for me because am using it for my final year project thanks.

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