SQL NOW() Function

The NOW() function is an aggregate function used to return the date and time along with other column.

The NOW() function returns the result as dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS AM/PM depending on your regional settings.

SQL NOW() Syntax

 SELECT column_name(s),NOW() FROM TABLE

Consider the following table for this exercise


Firstname Lastname Salary DeptID
John Smith 1000 1
Mathew Simon 3000 1
Bill Steve 2200 1
Amanda Rogers 1800 2
Steve Hills 2800 2
Steve jobs 2400 2
bill cosby 700 3

Example # 1

SELECT Salary, NOW() AS TILL_date FROM Users

Result of the Query

Salary TILL_date
1000 23/03/2011 03:24:06 AM
3000 23/03/2011 03:24:06 AM
2200 23/03/2011 03:24:06 AM
1800 23/03/2011 03:24:06 AM
2800 23/03/2011 03:24:06 AM
2400 23/03/2011 03:24:06 AM
700 23/03/2011 03:24:06 AM


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