SQL TOP Clause
Submitted by admin on Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 08:53.
The SQL provides us with the option to retrieve a specific set of data from the table, rather than fetching all the table or only some specific rows by mentioning the matching condition in the WHERE clause.
Now what if you want to get the top 10 rows or top 5 rows from the table, or you simply want to retrieve the last, middle number of rows. But the top clause is not supported by all DBMS, some have respective syntax. However the SQL Limit can also act in the same way. For Oracle equivalent is Rownum.
SELECT TOP (n) column_name(s) FROM TABLE_NAME
Consider the following table
Firstname | Lastname | Age | Marital Status | Country |
John | Smith | 40 | Married | Usa |
Mathew | Simon | 30 | Married | Uk |
Bill | Steve | 20 | Single | Usa |
Amanda | Rogers | 28 | Married | Germany |
Steve | Hills | 30 | Single | France |
SELECT TOP 3 Firstname, Lastname, Age FROM Users
Result of the Query
Firstname | Lastname | Age |
John | Smith | 40 |
Mathew | Simon | 30 |
Bill | Steve | 20 |
Example With Percentage
SELECT TOP 40% Firstname, Lastname, Age FROM users
Result of the Query
Firstname | Lastname | Age |
John | Smith | 40 |
Mathew | Simon | 30 |
The percentage work like the normal mathematical calculation, that is the only 40% of the total number of rows in the table are fetched.
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