PHP Project for students

Simple Membership System using PHP and AJAX Free Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
This is a Simple Membership System that was developed using PHP, MySQLi, and Javascript. The system uses an AJAX function to ensure the data is being processed properly. This is a user-friendly kind of system you are free to modify the source code. About the System This PHP Project is able to store and manage the list of members. Aside from the member list, the system users can also create a club

Simple Issue Tracker System Project using PHP and SQLite Source Code Free Download

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a Simple Issue Tracker System in PHP. It is a mini-project that manages the issues for some processes, forms, products, or anything that needs to be fixed with another department of the company. It is a sort of issue ticketing system that provides an automated platform for the company's employees to raise the problem or issue they encounter for a certain process/turn over a