
Entries for PHP Coding Contest

Submitted by admin on
We have identified the following PHP script as an entry to our PHP Coding Contest sponsored by NuSphere. If you think that one of your posts is qualified for this contest, kindly add your comment below and we will be happy to review it and add it here for voting by tomorrow. Voting System on PHP Social Networking Code Sending and receiving SMS in PHP using Pure AT commands in my jSMSPlugin.dll v1

NuSphere Contest Criteria and Guidelines

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
We would like to thank our major sponsor of the Submit a Code Contest, the NuSphere who will provide us with the much-coveted price, the NuSphere PhpEd Pro 8.0 License. The NuSphere Submit a Code and Win Contest encouraged every programmers to showcase their best codes to help the community of developers. Here's our contest Criteria and Guidelines: *** The contest is open to all programmers who

NuSphere Special 15% Coupon Code Exclusive and Available Here

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
NuSphere, the world's leading company who has the authority in terms of PHP Development and provider of PHP IDE announced a special 15% off coupon for all the programmers and developers who visited this site. As one of the business partner of, the have given us a special discount for every product sold with the use of a special coupon code solely given to our

Submit a Code and Win a "NuSphere PhpEd Pro 8.0 License" Contest

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The company behind the NuSphere PhpED in coordination with were inviting programmers and developers to participate in a code submission contest for a chance to win a single license of NuSphere PhpED 8.0 Professional. NuSphere, is one of the most reliable company in the world with some Fortune 100 company clients using their brand. The company aims to deliver the applications and