Get the difference of two time

How To Get The Difference Between Two Dates In PHP

Submitted by alpha_luna on

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In this article, we are going to learn on How To Get The Difference Between Two Dates In PHP. In the PHP, to calculate the difference between two dates has many ways to do this. To get the difference of hours between two dates, we have to use the functions of datetime. We have the start date and end date to get their difference hour.

Get the Difference of Two Time using PHP

Submitted by argie on
This tutorial will teach you on how to get the difference of two time in PHP using php shorttime function. This code will help to thus programmer who want to limit the number of attempts in failed login and can login again with the defined time. To understand more about this tutorial, follow the steps bellow.

Creating Our script that get the difference and display the result

The code bellow will subtract and get the difference of two time using the php date and short time function.