
Creating a Todo List Application using Angular JS Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on

In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Todo List using Angular JS. The tutorial aims to provide IT/CS Students and new programmers with a reference to learn with for developing a simple web application using Angular JS and LocalStorage. Here, a step-by-step tutorial with snippets of building a simple Todo List App is provided with a source code zip file that is free to download.

Angular JS Login with Session using PHP/MySQLi Tutorial

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles how to create a login page using Angular JS and set SESSION with PHP/MySQLi. Angular JS is a javascript framework maintained by Google and is capable of creating Single-Page Applications. In this tutorial, we'll set up PHP Session to prevent users from going into our homepage if not authenticated.

Angular 6 Starter with Laravel 5.6 API Service

Submitted by klevis on
Angular 6 and Laravel 5.6 This project is a starter for creating interface with Angular using bootstrap && css && sass and using Laravel 5.6 for api requests. Demo Installation This project is divided in two parts (projects) and before use them you should follow the instructions below: Angular Project Interface Local Environment > git clone > cd

Angular 6 and Material, Database with Firebase & Firestore.

Submitted by klevis on
Angular 6 This app is starter for angular 6 and materialize. Ademo is online : After extract the zip on your terminal pres the command $ npm install for install all packages and dependecies. Run $ ng serve for host the app on your local. Run $ ng build for deploy the static files or $ ng build --prod for production mode. The tecnologies used on this app

Beautiful Widget Dashboard using Javascript, Angular and CSS

Submitted by mkcoder on
Simple Widget Dashboard with three amazing widgets. Clock, Weather and Calendar. This dashboard has been developed using Javascript, Angular, CSS and HTML. The code is very simple to understand. I will be posting more content to help you learn. Please keep visiting this website for more. Want help in coding join - codejango bootcamp