Login and Chat Application (AJAX,PHP-PDO and MySQL)

*Credit to sir Argie Policarpio for initiating this kind of program. Have you ever wished to make your own chat box? So bad if not! Nevertheless, chat boxes are just an amazing work of programming and art which have tremendous usage; either it’s good or bad. Before going through, I’ll first give my own definition of the word chat box, chat box is a place where user can input or type user’s message and that message will be sent and be viewed into user chat mates’ screen in real-time basis. After defining chat box, next thing will be the introduction of the programming compositions of the project that will be made: • PHP – It will be the manager of the chat box, why I called it manager? Just stick to the tutorial and it will be thoroughly discussed. • MySQL – It will provide the back end portion of the project. • AJAX – It’s an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML which will be the key for avoiding full page reloads. To know more about this script. Visit my blog site: www.proglecturer.blogspot.com

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when i run localhost/chat/index.php
it gives following error

error on line 2 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../errors/err.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www\chatbox\inc\connection.php on line 10

hello, that error just denote wrong location of the '../errors/err.php', please do check the location of that file then check the script. the script that i have downloaded is working well. please notify me if there's something wrong again.

thank you for uploading the raw code for the chat project, i downloaded it and am interested in learning more about your apps.

In reply to by emmaculate (not verified)

thank you for the appreciation. i do hope i can download more scripts here. i'll just finish my project and i'll download some scripts again. thank you again. :)

hello!!!! am on my final year project writing and I want you to help me with the basic entities and sample source code of the named system.. thanks

hi, i want to get receiver id same as a click on dropdown user please can you tell me how to get. thanks

In reply to by alexana (not verified)

do you mean,after selecting in the selectbox the receiverid will be echoed?

can anyone plz tell how to execute this code

install the needed file *wampp then put the extracted file in the htdocs then open your browser and put localhost/name_of_the_folder_where_the_file_is_located.

hey how can resolve this Warning: include(../errors/err.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\chatbox\inc\connection.php on line 10 Warning: include(): Failed opening '../errors/err.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\chatbox\inc\connection.php on line 10

but i dont fine the username and the password

In reply to by abuhuraira (not verified)

username: jmmaguigad password: espionage28

i m luking script for audito video text chat in php,mysql? do u know any idear

how can i use this chat application on my website what do i need to do?

Works like a charm!!

get this Warning: include(../errors/err.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\chatbox\inc\connection.php on line 10 Warning: include(): Failed opening '../errors/err.php' for inclusion (include_path='C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\chatbox\inc\connection.php on line 10

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