Nice project
Really nice project!
SQLite version would be a very nice addition.
Thanks for sharing.
This simple project is a PDF Generator Web Application. This project is a web-based application developed in PHP and MySQL Database that allows the user to create a PDF File. The project uses TCPDF Library to achieve the main goal of the application. It has a pleasant user interface using Material Kit Template. The project contains user-friendly features and functionalities.
I developed this project using the following:
These Simple Employees PDF Generator Web Application is accessible to the public which means the application does not require the users to register and to log in. The project allows user to create their own pdf file using the application form. PDF Generation Form contains different input fields which are the name, PDF Contents using Summernote library, and password field. The user can encrypt the pdf file using their given password. The application store also the pdf contents as an HTML File to easily update the PDF File.
The source code was developed only for educational purposes only. You can download the source code for free and modify it the way you wanted. This PDF Generator Web Application source code might be helpful for those developing a PHP Project that contains PDF Generation Feature for some reports purposes. You can use the source code as your reference.
System Installation/Setup
That's it. You can now explore the features and functionalities of this PDF Generator Web Application in PHP. I hope this will help you with what you are looking for and you'll find something useful for your future projects.
Explore more on this website for more Free Source Codes and Tutorials.
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Really nice project!
SQLite version would be a very nice addition.
Thanks for sharing.
Student alerted me that you cannot turn off encryption once turned on. Toggle off and save, but toggle returns to on state.
Suggestion: do not automatically return to PDF list after saving a PDF.
Thanks again for sharing the code.