Medical Certificate Generator App using PHP and MySQL Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
This is a simple project entitled Medical Certificate Generator App. It is a web application developed in PHP and MySQL Database. The system provides an automated and online platform for a certain Medical Clinic to easily generate a medical certificate for their patients. It has a pleasant user interface using Bootstrap Framework and Material Kit UI Template. It consists of multiple user-friendly

PDF Generator Web App using TCPDF and PHP/OOP Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This simple project is a PDF Generator Web Application. This project is a web-based application developed in PHP and MySQL Database that allows the user to create a PDF File. The project uses TCPDF Library to achieve the main goal of the application. It has a pleasant user interface using Material Kit Template. The project contains user-friendly features and functionalities. About the

CRUD Operation using PHP/MySQLi with DataTable and TCPDF Tutorial

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial source code will teach how to CRUD(create, read, update, delete) using the two MySQLi Extensions which are OOP and Procedural. Also included, the data table library which is an extension that uses jquery to beautify and add functionality to HTML Table. Lastly, included is a PDF Generator using the TCPDF library.