MySQL Database
Implementing an Activity Log in Your Web App Using PHP
In this tutorial, we will explore the creation of an activity log feature in web applications using the PHP language. The objective is to offer students and those new to the PHP language a reference or guide to enhance their knowledge and capabilities in developing efficient and effective web applications. I will explain the step-by-step process of creating a reusable PHP Class that implements an Activity Log feature into a PHP project. Additionally, I will provide a complete source code zip file for a sample web application that demonstrates the usage of the mentioned PHP Class.
Securing Your PHP Application: A Comprehensive Tutorial on User Access Restriction
Discover in this guide how to effectively control User Access Restrictions within a web application using the PHP programming language. This tutorial serves as a valuable resource for students and beginners in PHP, offering insights and techniques for developing web applications. Follow the outlined steps to implement user access restrictions, ensuring that certain pages or features of your PHP project are accessible only to authorized users.
What is the importance of implementing User Access Restrictions in a web application?
Simple Student Attendance System using PHP and MySQL
How to Store Visitor Log in the Database using PHP and MySQL?
Within this tutorial, we will explore the development of a straightforward web application featuring a central focus on Site Visitor Logs. This article's primary objective is to serve as a valuable resource for PHP programming newcomers and students, offering insights into the implementation of common features to enrich their proficiency and understanding of the PHP programming language. Here, you will find the complete source code for a basic web application that includes a functionality for tracking site visitor activity.
Lost and Found Information System using PHP and MySQL DB Source Code Free Download
Creating a Dynamic Ordering Data using PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript Tutorial
In this tutorial, you can learn to create Dynamic Ordering Data and DOM Elements using PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL Database. This tutorial aims to provide students and beginners with a reference for learning some useful techniques for building an application using PHP Language, MySQL, and JavaScript. Here, I will be providing a simple web application that demonstrates the main objective of this tutorial. The complete source code zip file will be provided also and is free to download.
AC Repair and Services System using PHP and MySQL Source Code Free Download
Creating a Forgot and Reset Password Feature in PHP and MySQL Tutorial
In this tutorial, you can learn how to create a Forgot and Reset Password feature in PHP and MySQL Database. This tutorial aims to provide students and beginners with a reference for learning to create and implement useful features of web applications or websites. Here, I will be providing simple web application scripts that demonstrate the creation of an application with Forgot and Reset Password Feature.