Friendster like php script

This is a simple friendster like script for school project purposes Uses PHP and Mysql as database Beginner's can easily track this code. ",) You can also work with this on your computer just DL easyphp or install apache pack with mysql

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


how are you?what are you doing this time?


any one can tech me on how the form is sending via e-mail without databse using php anyone help me to my online enrollment form thnx

elow pho w8ting for the code. . . .

In reply to by jhervy14

Sorry for waiting. I will upload the code one of these days.

In reply to by admin

ang galing mo namn po instructor na po ba kayo?? or student?? or working na?? turuan naman gumawa ng isang simpleng simpleng system na may dfd(data flow diagram) requiremets lang para makagrad :) ehe po email address ko.... ung mga basic or kahit clue po ehhehe student record management system po kasi ang balak ko using java or PHP....

xenxa na sa pag mamadali, , , patapos na kc aQ d2 sa OJT and i want 2 finish my job, , hehehe ala lang thnc 4 the reply ^_^

hmmmm pa help nlang kung pano econnect yung HTML form sa Access cge na nid lang talaga salamat. kahit basic tutorial lang yung madaling maintindhan ok salamat.

It would be nice if you include images. Uploading for example. Do you have the codes? ? Just dropping by

how to download asp project for refresh

Hi.. I really need some Codes For My Enrollment System, i dont know how i get into this stuffs but im sure im not gonna make it without ur help.. its all in php codessssss.. please??? please?? heres my email add..

Anyone there knows how to create a modern friendster layout, to detect, pornographics pictures, in a friendster users. To be sure that the owner of hi/her friendster may prevent the user from adding that other friendster user. just add my friendster;

can you upload a php scripts with uploading ebooks file and preview and download it

can you upload a php scripts with uploading ebooks file and preview and download it

can u pls send me the code for hostel info system using vb 6.0

pls send me the code for hostel info system using vb 6.0 2 this id

Hi theres something wrong in your system can you fix it pls. . . . if you edit the profile of the user all the profile changed exept the user ID . . . .

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