Library System in VB.NET 2008 Update

I have update on my previous post called “Library System in Visual Basic .NET 2008 and SQL Server 2008”.

In my to do list, I mentioned the following:

Use accession # to borrow and return book.
Auto generate ID.
Sample reports like Borrowed Books, Returned Books, Fine, Members Report, and a lot more.

Currently only the first list is being updated and that is on how to use Accession # to Borrow and Return Book.

In this update, I use the Member ID and the accession # of book to automatically add the book title in the DataGridView control.

Additionally, when you return a book(s), the Return module will only retrieve the data from the BorrowDetails table which is not yet returned. And of course it will only filter the record based on the member who borrowed the item.

Kindly replace the database because I have added some fields on Borrow and Return tables.

If you have question, kindly add comment below.

I need help man . . i need a library system can you make one for me ?

i want to learn about how to add, delete and update in vb to database

hello sir, can i ask something on how to make a library system for my capstone project this is my email: "[email protected]" i look forward to sir thank you and god bless always...


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