Simple Addition Calculator Using Visual C#.NET 2005

Submitted by galaxtitan on
A simple addition calculator made in Visula C#.NET 2005. This application is meant for beginners. Thanx to Mithun Paul, Deitholhoutuo Hama, L. Hopong Chang, K.T. Soneh and Shyreahun Tep. Hope this project will help some beginners. Feel free for any comment, suggestion or criticism. Email me at [email protected].

.NET TV Tuner (Digital/Cable/Analog )

Submitted by emond on
By 2015 all analog/Cable TV will be replalced by Digital TVs using Digital Signal like in Japan and other advance countries The NTC decided that the Philippines will use and adopt the ISDB-T, finally. So geek-gadgets people can watch live HD Channels for free and Paid (PPV) from their PSP, Mobile Phones ,Tablets and ofcource PC and Laptops. Sources:

Populating Treeview with N- Level Tree Structure Dynamically in VB.Net

Submitted by saadi92 on
From last two weeks I was facing a problem regarding populating a treeview on a vb .net form , with the data from a table which contains N level of child nodes. I searched but i couldnt find exact solution, anyways finally I was able to solve it using recursive function.... Here is the code... The database table has two fields one is AcCode and 2nd is Parent ID... Private Sub AddTreeNodes(ByRef tv

linked list implementation using c++ - DATA STRUCTRES - [ all operations ]

Submitted by shajeel afzal on
i have implemented linked list using c++. it is also explained using comments and have all operations of adding, removing, deleting, updating, sorting and searching e.t.c, I have uploaded this code to get some feedback, and your kind comments about this program. please add comments and give me some feed back. And please do not forget to rate this submission. THANK YOU VERY MUCH