How to Create Secure Registration Page in PHP/MySQL Part II

Submitted by GeePee on
mysqli extension works differently compared to mysql extension. The 'i' stands for improved. Which means that it has some features that cannot be found in mysql extension. There are two approach in using mysqli extension. They are Object Oriented style and Procedural style. If you are migrating your old PHP file to mysqli extension, I prefer you use the procedural style. It's very easy to convert it to mysqli this way. Looking at the example in our previous tutorial.

Age Calculation Edited Version

Submitted by Amoako on
This is a simple visual basic 6.0 age calculation I made. I just change the date input into datepicker so that user can easily select their date of birth. The function is still the same than the previous version. Just select the date of birth on start date caption and click ok, then you will see a computation of your age. If start date is greater than end date, form validation will appear saying

File Upload using PHP and MySQL

Submitted by cngirwa on
This system enable user to; 1. Log in to the system 2. Upload files 3. Delete files 4. Download files If you are interested on this project please modify it by adding; 1. User manager module 2. User activities tracking module 3. More security features NB: Files are saved in server and only location is saved to database. USERNAME: admin PASSWORD: 123456 Previously, this project was done by josina08

How to Create Secure Registration Page in PHP/MySQL Part I

Submitted by GeePee on
By secured we mean that we need to sanitize the data that is passed to our script in order to secure the registration of new account or user. There are three different types of connectivity in MySQL. They are: mysql = old MySQL function mysqli = improved MySQL function pdo = using prepared statement Mysql_connect is currently not supported in PHP version 5.5.0.

Display Hardware Information (Bus,Motherboard,Memory,Sound) in Vb.NET

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is a continuation of my other tutorial entitled Display Bios Information using VB.NET, but this time it will display all the hardware information such as Bus,Motherboard,Memory, and Sound in Vb.NET also. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2. Next, add a TabControl and a DataGridView Only. Gridview insert update and delete the records!

Submitted by ashirjoiya3 on
Here I am going to give an example about gridvew which covers the following points. 1.Insert the data in database 2.Binding the data to gridview from database 3.Grid view row editing 4.Updating the records in database 5.Grid view row deleting and taking confirmation before deleting the record For more inquiries or any suggestions about the system, please don’t hesitate to contact the