Air Code Generator Using Javascript
Submitted by jaredgwapo on Thursday, May 5, 2016 - 09:49.
In tutorial, you will learn how to make an air code generator. just follow the steps below and download the source code. You can also use this code to your projects or systems.
Congratulations, you have created an air code generator. If you have questions and suggestions feel free to comment below or email me at [email protected]
Creating our index.php
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=Windows_1258">
- <meta content="tchouky" name="AC">
- <meta content="generator" name="AirCode">
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">
- <meta content="generator" name="Randomizer">
- <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">
- <style type="text/css">.ac_xamp_td {
- BORDER-RIGHT: red 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: red 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 32px; BORDER-LEFT: red 1px solid; WIDTH: 48px; BORDER-BOTTOM: red 1px solid; TEXT-ALIGN: center
- }
- .ac_xamp_ref_table {
- BORDER-RIGHT: red 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: red 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: red 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: red 1px solid
- }
- </style>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var aircode_up = [
- '\u030d', /* ? */ '\u030e', /* ? */ '\u0304', /* ? */ '\u0305', /* ? */
- '\u033f', /* ? */ '\u0311', /* ? */ '\u0306', /* ? */ '\u0310', /* ? */
- '\u0352', /* ? */ '\u0357', /* ? */ '\u0351', /* ? */ '\u0307', /* ? */
- '\u0308', /* ? */ '\u030a', /* ? */ '\u0342', /* ? */ '\u0343', /* ? */
- '\u0344', /* ? */ '\u034a', /* ? */ '\u034b', /* ? */ '\u034c', /* ? */
- '\u0303', /* Þ */ '\u0302', /* ? */ '\u030c', /* ? */ '\u0350', /* ? */
- '\u0300', /* Ì */ '\u0301', /* ì */ '\u030b', /* ? */ '\u030f', /* ? */
- '\u0312', /* ? */ '\u0313', /* ? */ '\u0314', /* ? */ '\u033d', /* ? */
- '\u0309', /* Ò */ '\u0363', /* ? */ '\u0364', /* ? */ '\u0365', /* ? */
- '\u0366', /* ? */ '\u0367', /* ? */ '\u0368', /* ? */ '\u0369', /* ? */
- '\u036a', /* ? */ '\u036b', /* ? */ '\u036c', /* ? */ '\u036d', /* ? */
- '\u036e', /* ? */ '\u036f', /* ? */ '\u033e', /* ? */ '\u035b', /* ? */
- '\u0346', /* ? */ '\u031a' /* ? */
- ];
- //those go DOWN
- var aircode_down = [
- '\u0316', /* ? */ '\u0317', /* ? */ '\u0318', /* ? */ '\u0319', /* ? */
- '\u031c', /* ? */ '\u031d', /* ? */ '\u031e', /* ? */ '\u031f', /* ? */
- '\u0320', /* ? */ '\u0324', /* ? */ '\u0325', /* ? */ '\u0326', /* ? */
- '\u0329', /* ? */ '\u032a', /* ? */ '\u032b', /* ? */ '\u032c', /* ? */
- '\u032d', /* ? */ '\u032e', /* ? */ '\u032f', /* ? */ '\u0330', /* ? */
- '\u0331', /* ? */ '\u0332', /* ? */ '\u0333', /* ? */ '\u0339', /* ? */
- '\u033a', /* ? */ '\u033b', /* ? */ '\u033c', /* ? */ '\u0345', /* ? */
- '\u0347', /* ? */ '\u0348', /* ? */ '\u0349', /* ? */ '\u034d', /* ? */
- '\u034e', /* ? */ '\u0353', /* ? */ '\u0354', /* ? */ '\u0355', /* ? */
- '\u0356', /* ? */ '\u0359', /* ? */ '\u035a', /* ? */ '\u0323' /* ò */
- ];
- //those always stay in the middle
- var aircode_mid = [
- '\u0315', /* ? */ '\u031b', /* ? */ '\u0340', /* ? */ '\u0341', /* ? */
- '\u0358', /* ? */ '\u0321', /* ? */ '\u0322', /* ? */ '\u0327', /* ? */
- '\u0328', /* ? */ '\u0334', /* ? */ '\u0335', /* ? */ '\u0336', /* ? */
- '\u034f', /* ? */ '\u035c', /* ? */ '\u035d', /* ? */ '\u035e', /* ? */
- '\u035f', /* ? */ '\u0360', /* ? */ '\u0362', /* ? */ '\u0338', /* ? */
- '\u0337', /* ? */ '\u0361', /* ? */ '\u0489' /* ?_ */
- ];
- // random function
- //---------------------------------------------------
- //gets an int between 0 and max
- function rand(max)
- {
- return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
- }
- //gets a random char from a AC char table
- function rand_ac(array)
- {
- var ind = Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length);
- return array[ind];
- }
- // utils funcs
- //---------------------------------------------------
- //hide show element
- function toggle(id)
- {
- if(document.getElementById(id).style.display == "none")
- document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block";
- else
- document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none";
- }
- //lookup char to know if its a zalgo char or not
- function is_ac_char(c)
- {
- var i;
- for(i=0; i<aircode_up.length; i++)
- if(c == aircode_up[i])
- return true;
- for(i=0; i<aircode_down.length; i++)
- if(c == aircode_down[i])
- return true;
- for(i=0; i<aircode_mid.length; i++)
- if(c == aircode_mid[i])
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- function draw_ac_table(elid)
- {
- var container = document.getElementById(elid);
- var html = '';
- html += '<table class="ac_xamp_ref_table">\n';
- html += '<tr>\n';
- for(var i=0; i<aircode_up.length; i++)
- {
- if(!(i % 10))
- html += '</tr><tr>';
- }
- html += '</tr>\n';
- html += '</table>\n';
- html += '<table class="ac_xamp_ref_table">\n';
- html += '<tr>\n';
- for(var i=0; i<aircode_mid.length; i++)
- {
- if(!(i % 10))
- html += '</tr><tr>';
- }
- html += '</tr>\n';
- html += '</table>\n';
- html += '<table class="ac_xamp_ref_table">\n';
- html += '<tr>\n';
- for(var i=0; i<aircode_down.length; i++)
- {
- if(!(i % 10))
- html += '</tr><tr>';
- }
- html += '</tr>\n';
- html += '</table>\n';
- container.innerHTML = html;
- }
- // main shit
- //---------------------------------------------------
- function xamp_textarea(id)
- {
- var p = document.getElementById(id);
- var txt = p.value;
- var newtxt = '';
- for(var i=0; i<txt.length; i++)
- {
- if(is_ac_char(txt.substr(i, 1)))
- continue;
- var num_up;
- var num_mid;
- var num_down;
- //add the normal character
- newtxt += txt.substr(i, 1);
- //options
- if(document.getElementById('ac_opt_mini').checked)
- {
- num_up = rand(8);
- num_mid = rand(2);
- num_down = rand(8);
- }
- else if(document.getElementById('ac_opt_normal').checked)
- {
- num_up = rand(16) / 2 + 1;
- num_mid = rand(6) / 2;
- num_down = rand(16) / 2 + 1;
- }
- else //maxi
- {
- num_up = rand(64) / 4 + 3;
- num_mid = rand(16) / 4 + 1;
- num_down = rand(64) / 4 + 3;
- }
- if(document.getElementById('ac_opt_up').checked)
- for(var j=0; j<num_up; j++)
- newtxt += rand_ac(aircode_up);
- if(document.getElementById('ac_opt_mid').checked)
- for(var j=0; j<num_mid; j++)
- newtxt += rand_ac(aircode_mid);
- if(document.getElementById('ac_opt_down').checked)
- for(var j=0; j<num_down; j++)
- newtxt += rand_ac(aircode_down);
- }
- //result is in nextxt, display that
- //remove all children of lulz_container
- var container = document.getElementById('lulz_container');
- while(container.childNodes.length)
- container.removeChild(container.childNodes[0]);
- //build blocks for each line & create a <br />
- var lines = newtxt.split("\n");
- for(var i=0; i<lines.length; i++)
- {
- var n = document.createElement('text');
- n.innerHTML = lines[i];
- container.appendChild(n);
- var nl = document.createElement('br');
- container.appendChild(nl);
- }
- //done
- }
- /* ]]> */
- </script>
- <script language="javascript">
- document.onmousedown=disableclick;
- status="Right Click Disabled";
- Function disableclick(event)
- {
- if(event.button==2)
- {
- alert(status);
- return false;
- }
- }
- </script>
- <script language="javascript">
- document.onmousedown=disableclick;
- status="Right Click Disabled";
- Function disableclick(e)
- {
- if(event.button==2)
- {
- alert(status);
- return false;
- }
- }
- </script>
- <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
- <!-- -->
- var message = "Oops! AC Didn't allow this object!";
- function rtclickcheck(keyp){ if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && keyp.which == 3){ alert(message); return false; }
- if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && event.button == 2) { alert(message); return false; } }
- document.onmousedown = rtclickcheck;
- </head>
- <body>
- <body oncontextmenu="return false">
- ...
- </body>
- <Table>
- <tr oncontextmenu="return false">
- <td>
- <asp:datagrid id="dgGrid1">---</asp:datagrid>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </Table>
- <table id="actable">
- <td id="lulz_container" style="BORDER-RIGHT: green 5px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; BORDER-TOP: green 5px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: green 5px solid; PADDING-TOP: 5px; BORDER-BOTTOM: green 5px solid" width="250">
- </td>
- <tr>
- <td style="BORDER-RIGHT: #0066cc 5px solid; BORDER-TOP: #0066cc 5px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #0066cc 5px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 5px solid" width="150">
- Type Your AirCode here (AC)</textarea>
- <form id="xamp_form" action>
- <input type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-large" id="xamp_btn" onclick="xamp_textarea('xamp_txt');" type="button" value="Generate AC">
- <table>
- <tr>
- </td>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- xamp_textarea('xamp_txt');
- </script>
- </TD>
- </tr>
- </TABLE>
- <div id="reference" style="DISPLAY: none">
- <br/>
- </body>
- </html>
Creating our style.css
- button,
- input,
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- width: 366px;
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- }
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- border-color: #ffcc00 !important;
- }
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- background-color: #ffa0a0;
- border-color: #f04040 !important;
- }
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- background-color: #c3ff88;
- border-color: #8dff1c !important;
- }
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- padding: 0.3em 0.6em;
- margin: 5px 0 15px;
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Creating our class_of_ac.js
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var aircode_up = [
- '\u030d', /* ? */ '\u030e', /* ? */ '\u0304', /* ? */ '\u0305', /* ? */
- '\u033f', /* ? */ '\u0311', /* ? */ '\u0306', /* ? */ '\u0310', /* ? */
- '\u0352', /* ? */ '\u0357', /* ? */ '\u0351', /* ? */ '\u0307', /* ? */
- '\u0308', /* ? */ '\u030a', /* ? */ '\u0342', /* ? */ '\u0343', /* ? */
- '\u0344', /* ? */ '\u034a', /* ? */ '\u034b', /* ? */ '\u034c', /* ? */
- '\u0303', /* Þ */ '\u0302', /* ? */ '\u030c', /* ? */ '\u0350', /* ? */
- '\u0300', /* Ì */ '\u0301', /* ì */ '\u030b', /* ? */ '\u030f', /* ? */
- '\u0312', /* ? */ '\u0313', /* ? */ '\u0314', /* ? */ '\u033d', /* ? */
- '\u0309', /* Ò */ '\u0363', /* ? */ '\u0364', /* ? */ '\u0365', /* ? */
- '\u0366', /* ? */ '\u0367', /* ? */ '\u0368', /* ? */ '\u0369', /* ? */
- '\u036a', /* ? */ '\u036b', /* ? */ '\u036c', /* ? */ '\u036d', /* ? */
- '\u036e', /* ? */ '\u036f', /* ? */ '\u033e', /* ? */ '\u035b', /* ? */
- '\u0346', /* ? */ '\u031a' /* ? */
- ];
- //those go DOWN
- var aircode_down = [
- '\u0316', /* ? */ '\u0317', /* ? */ '\u0318', /* ? */ '\u0319', /* ? */
- '\u031c', /* ? */ '\u031d', /* ? */ '\u031e', /* ? */ '\u031f', /* ? */
- '\u0320', /* ? */ '\u0324', /* ? */ '\u0325', /* ? */ '\u0326', /* ? */
- '\u0329', /* ? */ '\u032a', /* ? */ '\u032b', /* ? */ '\u032c', /* ? */
- '\u032d', /* ? */ '\u032e', /* ? */ '\u032f', /* ? */ '\u0330', /* ? */
- '\u0331', /* ? */ '\u0332', /* ? */ '\u0333', /* ? */ '\u0339', /* ? */
- '\u033a', /* ? */ '\u033b', /* ? */ '\u033c', /* ? */ '\u0345', /* ? */
- '\u0347', /* ? */ '\u0348', /* ? */ '\u0349', /* ? */ '\u034d', /* ? */
- '\u034e', /* ? */ '\u0353', /* ? */ '\u0354', /* ? */ '\u0355', /* ? */
- '\u0356', /* ? */ '\u0359', /* ? */ '\u035a', /* ? */ '\u0323' /* ò */
- ];
- //those always stay in the middle
- var aircode_mid = [
- '\u0315', /* ? */ '\u031b', /* ? */ '\u0340', /* ? */ '\u0341', /* ? */
- '\u0358', /* ? */ '\u0321', /* ? */ '\u0322', /* ? */ '\u0327', /* ? */
- '\u0328', /* ? */ '\u0334', /* ? */ '\u0335', /* ? */ '\u0336', /* ? */
- '\u034f', /* ? */ '\u035c', /* ? */ '\u035d', /* ? */ '\u035e', /* ? */
- '\u035f', /* ? */ '\u0360', /* ? */ '\u0362', /* ? */ '\u0338', /* ? */
- '\u0337', /* ? */ '\u0361', /* ? */ '\u0489' /* ?_ */
- ];
- // random function
- //---------------------------------------------------
- //gets an int between 0 and max
- function rand(max)
- {
- return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
- }
- //gets a random char from a AC char table
- function rand_ac(array)
- {
- var ind = Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length);
- return array[ind];
- }
- // utils funcs
- //---------------------------------------------------
- //hide show element
- function toggle(id)
- {
- if(document.getElementById(id).style.display == "none")
- document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block";
- else
- document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none";
- }
- //lookup char to know if its a zalgo char or not
- function is_ac_char(c)
- {
- var i;
- for(i=0; i<aircode_up.length; i++)
- if(c == aircode_up[i])
- return true;
- for(i=0; i<aircode_down.length; i++)
- if(c == aircode_down[i])
- return true;
- for(i=0; i<aircode_mid.length; i++)
- if(c == aircode_mid[i])
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- function draw_ac_table(elid)
- {
- var container = document.getElementById(elid);
- var html = '';
- html += '<b>Chars going up:</b><br />\n';
- html += '<table class="ac_xamp_ref_table">\n';
- html += '<tr>\n';
- for(var i=0; i<aircode_up.length; i++)
- {
- if(!(i % 10))
- html += '</tr><tr>';
- html += '<td class="ac_xamp_td">' + aircode_up[i] + '</td>\n';
- }
- html += '</tr>\n';
- html += '</table>\n';
- html += '<br /><b>Chars staying in the middle:</b><br />\n';
- html += '<table class="ac_xamp_ref_table">\n';
- html += '<tr>\n';
- for(var i=0; i<aircode_mid.length; i++)
- {
- if(!(i % 10))
- html += '</tr><tr>';
- html += '<td class="ac_xamp_td">' + aircode_mid[i] + '</td>\n';
- }
- html += '</tr>\n';
- html += '</table>\n';
- html += '<br /><b>Chars going down:</b><br />\n';
- html += '<table class="ac_xamp_ref_table">\n';
- html += '<tr>\n';
- for(var i=0; i<aircode_down.length; i++)
- {
- if(!(i % 10))
- html += '</tr><tr>';
- html += '<td class="ac_xamp_td">' + aircode_down[i] + '</td>\n';
- }
- html += '</tr>\n';
- html += '</table>\n';
- container.innerHTML = html;
- }
- // main shit
- //---------------------------------------------------
- function xamp_textarea(id)
- {
- var p = document.getElementById(id);
- var txt = p.value;
- var newtxt = '';
- for(var i=0; i<txt.length; i++)
- {
- if(is_ac_char(txt.substr(i, 1)))
- continue;
- var num_up;
- var num_mid;
- var num_down;
- //add the normal character
- newtxt += txt.substr(i, 1);
- //options
- if(document.getElementById('ac_opt_mini').checked)
- {
- num_up = rand(8);
- num_mid = rand(2);
- num_down = rand(8);
- }
- else if(document.getElementById('ac_opt_normal').checked)
- {
- num_up = rand(16) / 2 + 1;
- num_mid = rand(6) / 2;
- num_down = rand(16) / 2 + 1;
- }
- else //maxi
- {
- num_up = rand(64) / 4 + 3;
- num_mid = rand(16) / 4 + 1;
- num_down = rand(64) / 4 + 3;
- }
- if(document.getElementById('ac_opt_up').checked)
- for(var j=0; j<num_up; j++)
- newtxt += rand_ac(aircode_up);
- if(document.getElementById('ac_opt_mid').checked)
- for(var j=0; j<num_mid; j++)
- newtxt += rand_ac(aircode_mid);
- if(document.getElementById('ac_opt_down').checked)
- for(var j=0; j<num_down; j++)
- newtxt += rand_ac(aircode_down);
- }
- //result is in nextxt, display that
- //remove all children of lulz_container
- var container = document.getElementById('lulz_container');
- while(container.childNodes.length)
- container.removeChild(container.childNodes[0]);
- //build blocks for each line & create a <br />
- var lines = newtxt.split("\n");
- for(var i=0; i<lines.length; i++)
- {
- var n = document.createElement('text');
- n.innerHTML = lines[i];
- container.appendChild(n);
- var nl = document.createElement('br');
- container.appendChild(nl);
- }
- //done
- }
- /* ]]> */
- </script>
Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
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