Water Billing System

Water Billing System using vb6 Features: 1. Client Info 2. Bill printing service 3. Statement of account for more info visit our website http://inettutor.com http://webgeekresources.com contact: 09102294835

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anogz gamit mong database sir.,., ms access ba sir,., bat di ko mabasa.,., 2010 siguro 2

I am contemplating to enter into an agreement with a subdivision in Laguna to handle their water billing system, etc. I am a deepwell drilling contractor at present but I have been a collection manager before. What can system you recommend for me to implement? Hope to receive a reply from you. Thank you.

Sir.. pwde pahingi ng school enrollment programm in visual basic need ko kasi sir project namin.... plss... help.. need ko kasi.. talaga..

alo pls send doc part

I saw your system. I have problem, please help solve it. How to calculate arrears.

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