I would like to share here my Scheduling System, this system is only a part of my High School Enrollment System and my College Enrollment System that consist of 8 modules(registrar,grader,controller,scheduler,checker/assessor, collector/cashier,administrator, and the Web Transcript).
This system covers timetable for a school, high-school or university. It uses a fast and efficient timetabling algorithm.
This has the capability show Room Schedule,Section Schedule, Faculty Schedule and can suggest Room Availability and Faculty Availability by displaying through graphical way.
This is a demo system so expect not all the functionality can be fully use.
INSTALL THE INSTALLER first to make the system work normally...
Different Versions:
*VB.NET version :
Class Scheduling and Time Tabling System - VB.NET
*C# Version:
Class Scheduling and Time Tabling System - C#
please fell free to use and PLEASE PLEASE DONT FORGET TO COMMENT "Thanks" if you find my System useful to you... But if u take it for granted.. maybe I'll take some steps to remove this post I will mean it this time.... =)
If theres no 20 good comment I will remove the code.. hahahahaha
May God Bless us All
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