Class Scheduling

Online Class and Exam Scheduling System in PHP with Source Code

Submitted by emoblazz on
This system is intended to create and easily manage the class and examination schedule of an institution using PHP and Mysqli. Easily tracking of conflicts on the teacher, students, and room schedule will be detected by the system to avoid redundancy and inconsistency. This will greatly ease the person-in-charge responsibilities in doing schedules at the start of the semester and examination. This

Class Scheduling and Time Tabling System - VB.NET

Submitted by itachi_philip on
I would like to share here my Scheduling System in VB.Net Version, this system is only a part of my High School Enrollment System that consist of 8 modules(registrar,grader,controller,scheduler,checker/assessor, collector/cashier,administrator, and the Web Transcript). This system covers timetable for a school, high-school or university. It uses a fast and efficient timetabling algorithm.

Class Scheduling System for Beginners

Submitted by ramos.cj360 on
Class Scheduling System - was created for beginners only. This program having the common functions in database manipulation such as (Add, Update, Delete, Search and Reloading records to fill the listview control). This is good example to start database programming. Download now and drop your comments and suggestions. Thank you SOURCECODESTERS! Kind Regards, Leo