Infants Info System

Infants Information System is one of my project written in VB.NET which support the documentation for thesis writing. The aim of the project is to record the live birth on an infants. Yet simply but will help programmer who want to learn VB.NET by understanding simple concept in database programming. This is not intended for advance programmer. Since this is made for students the target audience would be newbie programmer.

One of the best way to start learning from other source code is to study the fundamentals of programming. This source code will truly help newbie's programmer to understand on how to connect to the database using OLEDB and how to open form from other open. It alos teaches you on how to create crystal reports.

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Your few projects are very important for me becuase i am last year in bca so that i get better expriments in your project and get better mark so i wish you are great for everyone. Many thanks!

Hey! Good day! I've downloaded the program and run it using Visual Studio. There are some minor problem with the output. I hope you can help me out. When I click and change  the Province combobox, the Province Combobox for Place of Birth (POB Province) will also be changed. It seemed they are link but I cannot see how can I prevent this. The same thing happened with the Municipality_City and Religion comboboxes. Thanks and more power!!

Hey! Good day! I've downloaded the program and run it using Visual Studio. There are some minor problem with the output. I hope you can help me out. When I click and change  the Province combobox, the Province Combobox for Place of Birth (POB Province) will also be changed. It seemed they are link but I cannot see how can I prevent this. The same thing happened with the Municipality_City and Religion comboboxes. Thanks and more power!!

can u make calendar in netbeans plzzz

can u also provide documentation of this project ..plsss

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

can u plsss send me the documentation of infants info system at [email protected] thanks ,,it will be a great help

hi sir,,it will be a great help if you will send me the documentation of INFANTS INFO SYSTEM,, my email is [email protected] THANKS SIR

sir can you send me a code in searching,and printing of crystal report in vb 2008 using mysql email is [email protected]

Hi Sir/Madam, can you please send me the whole documentation of Infant Information System? here's my email address [email protected] Thank you so much.

thank you so much for your wonderful program.. your application program is kind of tutorial for programmer and it encourage the developer and programmer.. Mohammed Baghdad-Iraq

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