Login Form with New User and Forget Password Option

Simple login form with new user and forget password option.... It is developed using Visual Basic 2010 and Access database 2007. It is very simple login form... I hope it gives you many ideas for vb.net programming.

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thanks a lot....this site helps me too much on my project....hope that you keep on helping students on their projects...

~thank you about this program it helps me as a student

سلام حسن جان ممنون بابت برنامت آقایی

thanks for your login form, in forget password option I don't want password to appear in form, I want it to be send to user email instead of viewing thanks pls help

thanks for Login Form with New User and Forget Password Option >>> II need one modification , recovering password should be send to users email instead of show it on screen>...thanks.. pls I need this modification thanks Anees Alharbi

i got to know about this site a bit late, am a college student and having a lot of difficulties with my project works. thanks for such an idea.

HI, I need to do a VB project about jewellery management system Can you help me? Thank you.

its very helpful, thanks a lot. How can I see the data record? thanks

i want a code for forgot password in user login form in visual basic open through database

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