Social Networking Site: Adding a Sub-comment to a Specific Post
Submitted by GeePee on Monday, March 16, 2015 - 21:01.
This tutorial is a continuation of our previous topic called “Facebook Wall Script Clone(What’s On Your Mind)”. But this time, we’re going to focus on how to add a sub comment in every shared post of a user. To start with this tutorial, create first a table in your database called “subcomment” and here’s the table structure of this table.
Then, let's open the home.php file, and on the last part of our code used for displaying the Post of every user. Or after this line of code
When you test the code above, it will look like as shown below:
Next, we’re going to create a new PHP file called “save_subcomm.php”. This file will process the submitted data by the user and store into the database table name subcommittee. And here’s the following code:
Then after saving the sub comment in the database, we’re now going to display a list of a sub comment under the specific post of a user. To do this, add the following code in the area we provided under the table tag for adding a new sub comment.
And after executing this code, you can test it in your browser and it will look like as shown below.
Here’s now the code for home.php.
- `comment_id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
- `subauthor` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
- `subcontent` text NOT NULL,
- `created` datetime NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (`subc_id`)
echo '
, add the following code:
This code is used for displaying a text input for adding a new sub comment.
- echo '<table border="0">';
- /* this area is for listing of sub-comment*/
- echo '<tr>';
- echo '<form action="save_subcomm.php" method="post">';
- echo '<input name="commentid" type="hidden" value="'. $comm->id .'">';
- echo '<input name="subauthor" type="hidden" value="'. $_SESSION['fName']. ' '. $_SESSION['lName'] .'">';
- $mydb->setQuery("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE `member_id`='{$_SESSION['member_id']}'");
- $propic = $mydb->loadResultList();
- if ($mydb->affected_rows()== 0){
- echo '<td><img src="./uploads/p.jpg" class="img-object" width="30px" height=30px" /></td>';
- }
- foreach ($propic as $obj){
- echo '<td >';
- echo '<img src="./uploads/'. $obj->filename.'" class="img-object" width="30px" height="30px" />';
- echo '</td>';
- }
- echo '<td><input name="subcontent" type="text" style="width: 370px;" class="form-control" placeholder="Write a comment...">';
- echo '</form>';
- echo '</tr>';
- echo '</table>';
- <?php
- require_once("includes/initialize.php");
- $comment_id = $_POST['commentid'];
- $content = $_POST['subcontent'];
- $author = $_POST['subauthor'];
- global $mydb;
- $mydb->setQuery("INSERT INTO `philsocialdb`.`subcomment` (`subc_id`, `comment_id`, `subauthor`, `subcontent`, `created`)
- VALUES (NULL, '{$comment_id}', '{$author}', '{$content}', '{$created}');");
- $mydb->executeQuery();
- if ($mydb->affected_rows() == 1) {
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
- //alert(\"Comment created successfully.\");
- window.location='home.php';
- </script>";
- } else{
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
- alert(\"Comment creation Failed!\");
- </script>";
- }
- ?>
- /* this area is for listing of sub-comment*/
- $mydb->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `subcomment` WHERE `comment_id` = ".$comm->id );
- $sub = $mydb->loadResultList();
- foreach ($sub as $subcomm){
- echo '<tr>';
- $mydb->setQuery("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE `member_id`='{$_SESSION['member_id']}'");
- $propic = $mydb->loadResultList();
- if ($mydb->affected_rows()== 0){
- echo '<td><img src="./uploads/p.jpg" class="img-object" width="30px" height=40px" /></td>';
- }
- foreach ($propic as $obj){
- echo '<td >';
- echo '<img src="./uploads/'. $obj->filename.'" class="img-object" width="30px" height="40px" />';
- echo '</td>';
- }
- echo '<td><a href="home.php?id='.$_SESSION['member_id'].'">'.$comm->author.'</a>';
- echo '<br/><p>'.$subcomm->subcontent .'</p></td>';
- echo '</tr>';
- <?php
- require_once("includes/initialize.php");
- ?>
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- //retrieve session variable
- echo $_SESSION['fName'];?>
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- <a data-target="#myModal" data-toggle="modal" href="" title=
- "Click here to Change Image.">
- <?php
- $mydb->setQuery("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE `member_id`='{$_SESSION['member_id']}'");
- $cur = $mydb->loadResultList();
- if ($mydb->affected_rows()== 0){
- echo '<img src="./uploads/p.jpg" class="img-thumbnail" width="200px" height="100px" />';
- }
- foreach($cur as $object){
- echo '<img src="./uploads/'. $object->filename.'" class="img-thumbnail" width="200px" height="100px" />';
- }
- ?>
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- <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-8">
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- <h3><?php echo $_SESSION['fName']. ' '. $_SESSION['lName'];?></h3>
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- <h5 class="panel-title">
- <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseOne" title="What's on your mind?">
- Update Status
- </a>
- </h5>
- </div>
- <form action="save_post.php" method="POST">
- <div id="collapseOne" class="panel-collapse collapse">
- <div class="panel-body">
- <input type="hidden" name="comment_id" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['member_id']; ?>">
- <input type="hidden" name="author" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['fName']. ' '. $_SESSION['lName']; ?>">
- <input type="hidden" name="to" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['member_id']; ?>">
- <textarea class="form-control" name="content" placeholder="What's on your mind?"></textarea>
- </div>
- <div class="panel-footer" align="right">
- <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" type="submit" name="share">Share</button>
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- <?php
- global $mydb;
- $mydb->setQuery("SELECT * from comments where comment_id=".$_SESSION['member_id']." ORDER BY created DESC");
- $cur = $mydb->loadResultList();
- echo '<div class="table table-responsive" border="0">';
- echo '<table>';
- echo '<tr>';
- foreach ($cur as $comm){
- $mydb->setQuery("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE `member_id`='{$_SESSION['member_id']}'");
- $propic = $mydb->loadResultList();
- if ($mydb->affected_rows()== 0){
- echo '<td rowspan="2"><img src="./uploads/p.jpg" class="img-object" width="50px" height=60px" /></td>';
- }
- foreach ($propic as $obj){
- echo '<td rowspan="2">';
- echo '<img src="./uploads/'. $obj->filename.'" class="img-object" width="50px" height="60px" />';
- echo '</td>';
- }
- echo '</tr>';
- echo '<tr>';
- echo '<td><strong><a href="home.php?id='.$_SESSION['member_id'].'">'.$comm->author.'</a></strong>';
- echo '<br/><p>'.$comm->content.'</p><br/>';
- echo '<table border="0">';
- /* this area is for listing of sub-comment*/
- $mydb->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `subcomment` WHERE `comment_id` = ".$comm->id );
- $sub = $mydb->loadResultList();
- foreach ($sub as $subcomm){
- echo '<tr>';
- $mydb->setQuery("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE `member_id`='{$_SESSION['member_id']}'");
- $propic = $mydb->loadResultList();
- if ($mydb->affected_rows()== 0){
- echo '<td><img src="./uploads/p.jpg" class="img-object" width="30px" height=40px" /></td>';
- }
- foreach ($propic as $obj){
- echo '<td >';
- echo '<img src="./uploads/'. $obj->filename.'" class="img-object" width="30px" height="40px" />';
- echo '</td>';
- }
- echo '<td><a href="home.php?id='.$_SESSION['member_id'].'">'.$comm->author.'</a>';
- echo '<br/><p>'.$subcomm->subcontent .'</p></td>';
- echo '</tr>';
- }
- //This area is for creating a new comment
- echo '<tr>';
- echo '<form action="save_subcomm.php" method="post">';
- echo '<input name="commentid" type="hidden" value="'. $comm->id .'">';
- echo '<input name="subauthor" type="hidden" value="'. $_SESSION['fName']. ' '. $_SESSION['lName'] .'">';
- $mydb->setQuery("SELECT * FROM photos WHERE `member_id`='{$_SESSION['member_id']}'");
- $propic = $mydb->loadResultList();
- if ($mydb->affected_rows()== 0){
- echo '<td><img src="./uploads/p.jpg" class="img-object" width="30px" height=30px" /></td>';
- }
- foreach ($propic as $obj){
- echo '<td >';
- echo '<img src="./uploads/'. $obj->filename.'" class="img-object" width="30px" height="30px" />';
- echo '</td>';
- }
- echo '<td><input name="subcontent" type="text" style="width: 370px;" class="form-control" placeholder="Write a comment...">';
- echo '</form>';
- echo '</tr>';
- echo '</table>';
- //echo '</div>';
- /*
- End of New sub comment.
- */
- echo '</div>';
- echo '</div>';
- echo '</tr>';
- }
- echo '</table>';
- ?>
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Add new comment
- Add new comment