
Network Programming in Java - #7 - Chat System #2 - Client Handler

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is the seventh in my Java Network Programming using KryoNet series, or second in creating a chat client and server system, in which we are going to be setting up a way to handle clients on our server. Previous: In the previous tutorial we altered snippets of code to convert them from our test server and clients to our beginning point of chat server and clients. The System: We are going to give the user a GUI to interact with the system - to send messages and see the currently connected members of the chat. When a

Network Programming in Java - #6 - Chat System #1 - Cleaning Test Files and Sending Usernames

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is the sixth in my Java Network Programming using KryoNet series in which we are going to be beginning our multi-client chat system. We are going to be running off the test server and client so make sure you have followed and understood the previous tutorials of this series. Previous: In the previous tutorial we created an Package of Packets involving Packet and Packet1Connect.

Network Programming in Java - #3 - Creating a Test Client

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is the third in my Java Network Programming using KryoNet series in which we are creating a test client to connect to our test server. Previous: In the previous tutorial we created a test server. IMPORTANT: A) Your server and client can not be running at the same time, in Eclipse, in the same Java Project.

Chat System - User Levels

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is the seventeenth in my Java Network Programming using KryoNet series, or twelfth in creating a chat client and server system, in which we are going to be adding a user level system in to the server in preparation for the next tutorial (making requests from clients to admins). Previous: In the previous tutorial we added private message features to the client. The System: We are going to give the user a GUI to interact with the system - to send messages and see the currently connected members of the chat. When a c

Chat System - Server Commands & Kicking Clients

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: This tutorial is the fifteenth in my Java Network Programming using KryoNet series, or tenth in creating a chat client and server system, in which we are going to be adding a feature to the server where the user in control of the server is able to kick specific clients out of the chat room. Previous: In the previous tutorial we finished making the ChatGUI work along with adding the functionality of commands. The System: We are going to give the user a GUI to interact with the system - to send messages and see the currently conn