Android Working with Layers Animation using Basic4Android - Tutorial Part 2
Submitted by donbermoy on Sunday, January 19, 2014 - 12:54.
Good day! This is my continuation of my tutorial in working with layer animation in Android using Basic4Android. The last time i created all the necessary procedures in part1 but for now I'll give you the complete code for this.
Here is the complete code for this tutorial.
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Best Regards,
Engr. Lyndon Bermoy
IT Instructor/System Developer/Android Developer/Freelance Programmer
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- Sub Process_Globals
- Dim TimerHorse As Timer
- Dim TimerBackground As Timer
- Dim TimerInterval As Long
- End Sub
- Sub Globals
- Dim ImageI As Int ' index of the current horse image
- Dim ImageDir As Int ' direction of the horse image
- Dim ImageNumber As Int ' number of horse images
- ImageNumber = 8
- Dim imgHorse(2, ImageNumber) As Bitmap ' array horse image bitmaps
- Dim imvBackground As ImageView ' background ImageView
- Dim imvForeground As ImageView ' foreground ImageView
- Dim cvsForeground As Canvas ' canvas for the foreground image
- Dim rectHorse As Rect ' rectangle of the horse image
- Dim HorseWidth As Int ' horse image width
- Dim HorseHeight As Int ' horse image height
- Dim HorseTop As Int ' horse image top
- Dim HorseLeft As Float ' current left position of the horse image
- Dim HorseDelta As Float ' horse move per timer tick
- Dim BackgroundLeft As Float ' current left position of the background
- Dim BackgroundDelta As Float ' background move per timer tick
- End Sub
- Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
- Dim i As Int
- ' load the horse images
- ' first index = 0 for galloping to the right
- ' first index = 1 for galloping to the left
- For i = 0 To ImageNumber - 1
- imgHorse(0, i).Initialize(File.DirAssets, "horse0" & i & ".png")
- imgHorse(1, i).Initialize(File.DirAssets, "horse1" & i & ".png")
- Next
- ' initialize variables depending on the device orientation
- If Activity.Width > Activity.Height Then
- HorseDelta = 4dip
- HorseHeight = 40%y
- TimerInterval = 50
- Else
- HorseDelta = 2dip
- HorseHeight = 25%y
- TimerInterval = 80
- End If
- ' initialize the background timer
- TimerBackground.Initialize("TimerBackground", TimerInterval)
- ' initialize the horse timer
- ' we use two times the background timer interval
- TimerHorse.Initialize("TimerHorse", TimerInterval * 2)
- ' calculate the horse images size and their vertical position
- HorseWidth = HorseHeight / imgHorse(0, 0).Height * imgHorse(0, 0).Width
- HorseTop = 65%y - HorseHeight / 2
- rectHorse.Initialize(0, HorseTop, HorseWidth, HorseTop + HorseHeight)
- ' initialize the background
- imvBackground.Initialize("")
- Activity.AddView(imvBackground, 0, 0, 400%y, 100%y)
- imvBackground.Gravity = Gravity.FILL
- imvBackground.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "Wyoming.jpg")
- imvBackground.Left = 0
- ' calculate BackgroundDelta
- ' to have the same number of steps as for the horse
- i = (100%x - HorseWidth) / HorseDelta
- BackgroundDelta = -(imvBackground.Width - 100%x) / 2 / i
- ' initialize the foreground
- imvForeground.Initialize("")
- Activity.AddView(imvForeground, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
- ' initialize the foreground canvas
- cvsForeground.Initialize(imvForeground)
- ' set the foreground to transparent
- Dim rect1 As Rect
- rect1.Initialize(0, 0, imvForeground.Width, imvForeground.Height)
- cvsForeground.DrawRect(rect1, Colors.Transparent, True, 1)
- End Sub
- Sub Activity_Resume
- Activity.Title = "Working with Layers (Animation)"
- ' initialize the timers
- TimerHorse.Enabled = True
- TimerBackground.Enabled = True
- ' set the initial values
- HorseLeft = 0
- BackgroundLeft = 0
- ImageI = 0
- ImageDir = 0
- ' draw the first horse image
- DrawHorse(ImageI, 10)
- End Sub
- Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
- ' stop the timers
- TimerHorse.Enabled = True
- TimerBackground.Enabled = True
- End Sub
- Sub TimerHorse_Tick
- ' increase the horse left position
- HorseLeft = HorseLeft + HorseDelta
- ' test if the horse reaches the right or left border
- If HorseLeft >= 100%x - HorseWidth - HorseDelta OR HorseLeft <= 0 Then
- BackgroundDelta = - BackgroundDelta
- HorseDelta = - HorseDelta
- HorseLeft = HorseLeft + HorseDelta
- If ImageDir = 0 Then
- ImageDir = 1
- Else
- ImageDir = 0
- imvBackground.Left = 0
- End If
- End If
- ' update the horse image index
- ImageI = ImageI + 1
- ' reset the image index
- If ImageI = ImageNumber Then
- ImageI = 0
- End If
- ' draw the new horse image
- DrawHorse(ImageI, HorseLeft)
- End Sub
- Sub TimerBackground_Tick
- ' set the background left position
- BackgroundLeft = BackgroundLeft + BackgroundDelta
- imvBackground.Left = BackgroundLeft
- End Sub
- Sub DrawHorse(i As Int, x As Float)
- ' drawing routine for the horse image
- ' erase the current horse image, draw a transparent rectangle
- cvsForeground.DrawRect(rectHorse, Colors.Transparent, True, 1)
- ' set the new horse image position
- rectHorse.Left = x
- rectHorse.Right = x + HorseWidth
- ' draw the new horse image
- cvsForeground.DrawBitmap(imgHorse(ImageDir, i), Null, rectHorse)
- ' invalidate (update) the foreground image
- imvForeground.Invalidate2(rectHorse)
- End Sub
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