Create a Library System Database

This tutorial is part of How to Make Library System.

Microsoft Access works like a Microsoft word, excel, and power point. Before you make a table and other object you need first to save a filename for your database.

For the sake of this tutorial we will create a filename called “Library System.mdb”. I will be using Microsoft Access 2003 version. If you have a lower version please tell me so I can convert it to version 2000.

Now let’s start creating our library system database.

1. Click Start Menu >> Programs >> Microsoft Office >> Microsoft Access

How to Open Microsoft Access

2. Type the filename in step number two and finally click Create.

How to Create New Database

You should open this database every time we make some changes to the table, queries, forms, macros, reports, and modules.


I'm A I.T Student Sir/Madam: Can you help me about this problem? I don't know how to make a data base.. And my Prof.said to have an Advance study And she gave an assignment for 1month to make an Library System. please: Thank you for helping me... send in my email. [email protected]

sir can you teach how to create a library system step-by-step and the code needed to put on a program which conducted of my prof.... thank you sir...

can anyone help me to do the final year project for library software system to primary mail :- [email protected]

help me to do a library system

Can you come up with a database that will include all information with regard to a certain individual like bio data for example? And it will print the said date at the minimum of 5 pages.

Hello anyone there, I am trying to develop a database for library management but don't know how to start with or from. If any body have an idea or knowledge please inbox me @ [email protected] or with full procedures. It would be of great help for me from all of you my friends.

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