Create a Library System Database

This tutorial is part of How to Make Library System.

Microsoft Access works like a Microsoft word, excel, and power point. Before you make a table and other object you need first to save a filename for your database.

For the sake of this tutorial we will create a filename called “Library System.mdb”. I will be using Microsoft Access 2003 version. If you have a lower version please tell me so I can convert it to version 2000.

Now let’s start creating our library system database.

1. Click Start Menu >> Programs >> Microsoft Office >> Microsoft Access

How to Open Microsoft Access

2. Type the filename in step number two and finally click Create.

How to Create New Database

You should open this database every time we make some changes to the table, queries, forms, macros, reports, and modules.


library management system Submitted by Anonymous on friday, 30/04/2010 - 06:38. we need a source code to maintain the books information for the department library ,issuing and returning the books for both staff and student using the frontend asvisualbasic .i hope that u wil help for me.pls send as soon as possible post the code for this mail id :[email protected]

Sir I have to create a Project on Library management system using MS access 2003. Sir please send the guidelines on my Email Address as soon as possible please. My Email address is: [email protected]

Sir I have to create a Project on Library management system using PHP as front end and MYSQL as backend. Sir please send the full project(designing part ,codes,database) on my Email Address as soon as possible please. i hope that u wil help me.pls send as soon as possible ITS V V URGENT My Email address is: [email protected]

hello sir!!can you help me sir on how to make library system using the visual basic?...if you have time sir just email on my account [email protected] you sir it realy helps me and for may group mates......thank you sir

hi sir me and my group mates is trying to make library system using visual basic...for our thesis...but its really hard for us because we have no any idea how to start the code.....can you help us sir....if you don't mind sir can you send me at my yahoo mail [email protected] sample code only sir......thank you very much sir for the time..we really appreciate if you give us little minute of your hectic time good day!

Hello, what's the status on your thesis project..I just really want to help you regarding in your project especially for the process and also little bit coding. Did you start coding now?

In reply to by dave

sir i hvnt strarted yet too. i jst ask where to start from making library system, i jst dont know. we use my sql databe and visual basic 6.0

halu sir my need to know how to make a library system using .Net... would you please help us thank you


sir can you part na complete program to my email.... [email protected], sir I need your help plssssssssssss... thank u!

can you provide me the php codefor library managemant system my id is [email protected] its urgent

sir, can you please help me sir on how to create a library system? can you give me an outline? please sir.. please...

sir can you teach me how to make a library system...please this is very urgent sir please help me this is my email add [email protected]


Hello sir, I am making a library management web project but for that purpose i need a dummy database of books. And i have lack of knowledge about mysql database, so plz if u can send me dummy database text file... it'll helpful for me.....!! Thanks & Regards

I want to do my project in library management system with frontend as visualbasic and backend as oracle have time please email me at my email address [email protected]

sir, please can I get help to you I am a IT student and I will do my project library system can you please help me to making the program, thank you

sir please help me ...can you give me the full source code of the library system ...sir....that is my project in our school...i am a computer science also i want to learn how to create web site in the php [email protected] sir.. more power to all the programmer's...

dear sir i am a learner in 12th class. sir,can you please help me to design a project of my level on library management system with mysql as backhead and java as fronthead application. hoping reply soon from your side. thanking you in anticipation. your sincerely, ritu

we have project from unversity end about " how to create libray database in MS Access software" therefore i need your assist in this regard so kindly send you helpful information to the below address. email: [email protected] regards,

hi sir, im a IT student, can you help me in my project, about library system, msaccess, dis is email, [email protected] tnx mor power

hello sir, i want the samle details for the library project using c sharp and ms access am going to do and this is my mail id pls send the relevant details to this id pls, [email protected]

Hi, am trying to create a database for library systems as well and i would like some help with it. pls if you can email me on : [email protected]

any one give me the code pls

can you help me in library management system project by using java as front end and sql as back end kindly please help me plz mail me the source code on my id [email protected]

I want to know the format to make a library control system as fast as possible.Pls help me Sir.My email id is [email protected].

sir, plz help me to do the e-library system. actually i am a practical student..i got the task to do the e-library system for the company..they want to use the system in march for trial system..plz respond my comment ASAP..u can send to my email [email protected]'m begging u plz help me sir..

how to make automated library system using sql? how to start the log in form and main form?

hello sir i need a database in library management pls send me database my id [email protected]

sir, i want library management project in front end as java and back end as oracle or sql. i really need this .plz send me the source code of this project

sir, i wan t a project on library management system with front end as java and back end as sql. sir i really need this project as soon as possible.plz send it on [email protected]

can u give me a full tutorial on how to make library management in visual basic i need this to my thesis., please [email protected]

sir, i've made the tables in oracle, now i've problem in just doing coding with swings how we interlinked the pages & how i'll connect them properly with oracle

Dear Sir, Request you to please provide me the Source code and exe for Library Information System with Backend as Excel. I need this urgently. Kindly provide me at my email:[email protected]

can u send me a project of Library Management System using oracle 10g sql* plus as back end and Oracle forms and reports as front end of B.C.A. Final year level with full documentation. its urgent........ thank u. my email id is: [email protected]

can you send a computerized library system created using visual basic 6.0? And be noted that it is having the SQL Commands on the codes...thanks!

can you send me a sample of your library system w/ ms access and design. i'm so beginner to have a good knowledge about library system. i appreciate it so much.thanks my email: [email protected]

is there anyone here wants to help me about DATABASE LIBRARY SYSTEM?

can you help me by teaching or create for me a database system for shoes house..please..this is my [email protected]

Hello Sir ! I wanna develop a project for Library Management Using Backend as Oracle & Frontend as Oracle Forms & Report. Can u plz help me by giving a brief layout. I'm strong in coding part but i don't have much idea about the layout & what all tables with column it should have. Thanks & Regards, Amit Chaudhary [email protected] [email protected] 098402-40165

hi sir,. i need help.. can u please give me a sample of a library system in oracle 10g?.. this is my email.. [email protected]

hay,, i need adatabase managment system for alibrary by using Ms SQL Server 2008 Plzzz help meeeee Email: [email protected]

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