Create a Library System Database

This tutorial is part of How to Make Library System.

Microsoft Access works like a Microsoft word, excel, and power point. Before you make a table and other object you need first to save a filename for your database.

For the sake of this tutorial we will create a filename called “Library System.mdb”. I will be using Microsoft Access 2003 version. If you have a lower version please tell me so I can convert it to version 2000.

Now let’s start creating our library system database.

1. Click Start Menu >> Programs >> Microsoft Office >> Microsoft Access

How to Open Microsoft Access

2. Type the filename in step number two and finally click Create.

How to Create New Database

You should open this database every time we make some changes to the table, queries, forms, macros, reports, and modules.


I'm currently creating a library system...PLZ Help me.

here is my email [email protected] dont know where to start from making library system using mysql database and visual basic 6.0.

I want to make a library management system by sql 07...but how..i have no idea about it..please can you help me

please sir,can i have a look at the example of codes of how to make a library sytem management?using simple programing languages?

can u send me a project of Library Management System using java script and oracle 10g sql* plus as back end

i want to design and implement a simple library system with the easiest language, how can i do this with visual basic?

Is there any or is it possible to have LIBRARY SYSTEM using PHP LANGUAGE?? Please i need your suggestions.. THANKS. Here's my email [email protected]

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


sir , help me sir ,i need online Library management system code developing to s/w

I would like to know how to make a library system by Access. Can you please send me a sample? Thank you so much. My email is [email protected]

i need full tutorials about "how make library system" , can send to emel [email protected] tq very much

i need the completer tutorial can you send it here sir?? [email protected]

Hey there.... I'm having problem in saving a record... This is the code that I used for making a new record in my system using VB2005 and MS Access. When I click btnSAVE it actually saves the data that I entered but when I exit the system the record disappears, can anyone help me solve this.. tnx.... Public Class frmNEW Private Sub btnCLOSE_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCLOSE.Click Me.Visible = False Form3.Visible = True TextBox1.Enabled = False TextBox2.Enabled = False TextBox3.Enabled = False TextBox4.Enabled = False ComboBox1.Enabled = False TextBox5.Enabled = False TextBox6.Enabled = False ComboBox2.Enabled = False ComboBox3.Enabled = False ComboBox4.Enabled = False TextBox7.Enabled = False ComboBox5.Enabled = False PictureBox1.Enabled = False btnSAVE.Enabled = False btnCLEAR.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub btnADD_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnADD.Click TextBox1.Enabled = True TextBox2.Enabled = True TextBox3.Enabled = True TextBox4.Enabled = True ComboBox1.Enabled = True TextBox5.Enabled = True TextBox6.Enabled = True ComboBox2.Enabled = True TextBox7.Enabled = True ComboBox3.Enabled = True ComboBox4.Enabled = True ComboBox5.Enabled = True PictureBox1.Enabled = True btnSAVE.Enabled = True btnCLEAR.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub btnCLEAR_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCLEAR.Click TextBox1.Clear() TextBox2.Clear() TextBox3.Clear() TextBox4.Clear() TextBox5.Clear() TextBox6.Clear() TextBox7.Clear() ComboBox1.Text = "" ComboBox2.Text = "" ComboBox3.Text = "" ComboBox4.Text = "" ComboBox5.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub btnSAVE_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSAVE.Click Dim call_num As String Dim acc_num As String Dim book_title As String Dim author As String Dim edition As String Dim publisher As String Dim pub_add As String Dim copyright_date As String Dim volume_num As String Dim num_copies As String Dim ISBN As String Dim date_pur As String call_num = TextBox1.Text acc_num = TextBox2.Text book_title = TextBox3.Text author = TextBox4.Text edition = ComboBox1.Text publisher = TextBox5.Text pub_add = TextBox6.Text copyright_date = ComboBox2.Text volume_num = ComboBox3.Text num_copies = ComboBox4.Text ISBN = TextBox7.Text date_pur = ComboBox5.Text If TextBox1.Text = "" And TextBox2.Text = "" And TextBox3.Text = "" And TextBox4.Text = "" And TextBox5.Text = "" And TextBox6.Text = "" And TextBox7.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please fill all the field/s!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Fill") Else MsgBox("You are about to save a record!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Save") Me.BookTableAdapter.Insert(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text, TextBox4.Text, ComboBox1.Text, TextBox5.Text, TextBox6.Text, ComboBox2.Text, ComboBox3.Text, ComboBox4.Text, TextBox7.Text, ComboBox5.Text) Me.BookTableAdapter.GetData() Me.BookTableAdapter.Fill(Me.LBISDataSet.Book) Me.BookTableAdapter.Update(Me.LBISDataSet.Book) TextBox1.Clear() TextBox2.Clear() TextBox3.Clear() TextBox4.Clear() TextBox5.Clear() TextBox6.Clear() TextBox7.Clear() ComboBox1.Text = "" ComboBox2.Text = "" ComboBox3.Text = "" ComboBox4.Text = "" ComboBox5.Text = "" MsgBox("You have successfully added a record!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Success") End If End Sub End Class

can you please send teh complete tutorial to [email protected] please? I am trying to get a small Japanese language School Libray working off barcodes instead of 3x5 cards. thanks

Hi Is it possible to post the full tutorial to [email protected]. I volunteer at a community type college and would like to look at this to see if it can be changed for their use. Thanks Peter

Hi i have to create a project on library management so i need to create a database... please i want a full database on sql... please help me email:[email protected]

dear sir, i need some help to do the library management system project work.i am asking a help from you to create the e-library system in my project,could you please just me how can i do the coding to create the e-library system.thank you. yours sincerely, hossain [email protected]

sir, can you help me with my project?? i need the sql codes to make my library system.. plz email me at:[email protected]

hi sir,i need to make a java project concerning library management system by using java language.please help me through my email [email protected]

I want to make a Automated Library Management System with bar code technology.I have no clear idea how bar code connect to the software .I have maintained the system by using MySQL database.Can u help me by sending the overall code for library automation.Plz send me julhaspust@ u.

sir, plz help me to do the FILING system. actually i am a practical student..i got the task to do the filing system for the company..they want to use the system in march for trial system..plz respond my comment ASAP.. the system should have expired file... please help me...

please tell me vb6 library management system coding

I love your material and i will glad if you can assist me with enough material to enhance my project research at Diploma level please sir. Thank you And am by Abdallah

Hi there I have created a video database with the following tables: Video Table, Customer table, Rental table, Rental Details table. In the Video table there is a Yes/No tick for the availability. My question is when the video is rented out how does the tick disappear and when the video is returned how does the tick comeback automatically. Should I create a Returns table as well? How do I write the query and how do I write the code for this in VB of Access? Please I need help as soon as possible for my school project. Please Help!!! Latha

how can i import my project in vb2010 express to oracle 10g?? i dont know where to declare to connect to oracle db..

can you help me sir in how to make a library system using VB6.0?if it is ok to you sir and if you have a time just email it on my account [email protected] sir...god bless you!!!

the code and interface of bookstore

Dear Sir, I'm developing an library automation application with SQL-2005, C#. It is an windows form application. I wanted to know how do I include unicode font for typing different languages for example (Kannada, Telagu, and other Indian Languages.......). My project is almost completed right nw i'm store data in ASCII format but actually i'm looking for UNICODE format... Please give me a hint or support me for this .. Thanking you Raghav [email protected]

am totally getting confused how to do codding for library management system so can u please help me by sending proper codding having search command & also tel me how to use ms-access in this properly. By mailing me at [email protected]

sir, i need to know how to create a database in mysql and the tables regarding that..can u please help me with that?

Sir can u help to do my project, to created a Library system using a Vb6.0 to sql.. can u help me... tnx

hi sir please help me plz (: my question is how to create the library system,,,need ko na talaga plz send to my email [email protected] thanks,,,

my teacher have told me to create library system in system design and in combination with visual basic

Can u provide me database of library management and of customer query track in Oracle 10g ie sql and pl/sql??

good software

sir i m student of bscs 2nd semi and my mam give me a project of library management system. so plz send me the code of this project i am very gland of u

hi. I have a project on a video lending system and I'm wondering if you could maybe send me a prototype of a library system to know what tables to create and their relationships. Please send one to my email. I really need it

lease can you help in the project for library managemnet system for my ITT

sir plss help me we have an nc4 and we will gonna make a library system can you plss send to me the source??? thanks a lot and godbless

would you plese upload fo us the user interface of a library management system? would be grateful to have it

Design a books library database for a school where students and staff are the ones to use it it should have the following tables 1. Book 2. Author 3. publisher 4. borrowers 5. book_author 6. book_publisher 7. book borrowed please any one out there should help and send it as an attachment of *.accdb to my email; [email protected] thanks for all you've done i appreciate.

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