Game - Click Me if you can


Your First JAVA Game In this tutorial you will learn: 1. Event handling 2. JAVA awt basics 3. JAVA swing basics 4. Intefaces This program will guide you how to make your own very basic JAVA game. We are going to call this game CLICK ME IF YOU CAN. Click Me In this tutorial we will be working in JAVA SWING. The first thing that we are going to do is setting up a JFrame and adding the required panels and Components. We will construct everything without the use of visual designers. Basic step: Download and install ECLIPSE and set up a JAVA PROJECT. Then Create a new class and name it ClickMe. Then follow the steps 1.IMPORT STATEMENTS First of all write these import statements in your .java file
  1. import java.awt.Color;
  2. import java.awt.event.*;
  3. import javax.swing.*;
  4. import java.util.*;
Here the two most important statement are java.awt.event.*; and javax.swing.*; . The function of the event statement is to handle what to do when the mouse button is clicked or is near the click me button. The swing statement is for creating the components making JFrame and JButton. 2.SETTING UP THE CLASS
  1. public class ClickMe extends JPanel implements MouseListener
  2. {
  3.     JFrame  jf = new JFrame();   // frame
  4.     JPanel  jp = new JPanel();           // panel to add in a frame
  5.     JButton jb = new JButton("Click ME!!");      // button
  6.     Random  rand = new Random();         // for random positioning
  7.     String  msg1 = "I bet you can't CLICK ME !!";
  8.     JLabel label = new JLabel(msg1); // setting the label
Now we are declaring our public class and extending it from JPanel because we will add every thing in a panel then add that panel in the frame. Secondly we are implementing the MouseListener interface to respond to mouse hover or mouse click. After that we are creating objects for JFrame , JPanel , JButton and Random class object ( for random positioning). 3.SETTING THE FRAME
  1. public ClickMe()
  2. {
  3.     jf.setSize(500, 500);   //setting frame size
  4.     jf.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //for closing
  5.     jf.setTitle("GAME - CLICK ME IF YOU CAN !!");      //setting title
  6.     jf.setVisible(true);    // setting the frame to visible
  8.     jp.setBackground(Color.WHITE); //setting the panel color to white
  9. }
Creating a constructor and setting the frame size , close operation , title and visibility. In the end setting the panel color to white (Note that jp is the panel object). 4.SETTING THE COMPONENTS
  1. public void setComponents()
  2. {
  3.     jf.add(jp); //adding panel in the frame
  4.     jp.setLayout(null); // null layout to move button freely in a frame
  5.     label.setBounds(200, 150, 200, 20); //setting the label
  7.     jp.add(label); //adding label
  8.     jp.setBounds(0, 0, 500, 500); // setting panel boundaries
  10.     jp.add(jb); //adding button in panel
  11.     jb.setBounds(200,180, 120, 30); //positioning button in panel
  12.     jb.addMouseListener(this); // adding mouselistener to the button
  14. }
First of all making a setComponents function and adding the panel in the frame then setting its layout to null. After that add the the label, then add the button in the panel with and call the mouse listener for the button (In addMouseListener(this) indicates it’s present in this class). 5.OVERRIDING MOUSE ENTERED FUNCTION
  1. @Override
  2. public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me)
  3. {
  5.   if(me.getSource() == jb) //checking if mouse entered jbutton      
  6. jb.setBounds(rand.nextInt(jf.getWidth()-100),rand.nextInt(jf.getHeight()-100),120,30);           // randomizing position
  8. }
Here we are overriding the mouseEntered(MouseEvent me) function which is defined in the MouseListener interface. Then we are checking whether the cursor entered the boundary of jb (which is our JButton) or not. If the cursor has entered we immediately randomize the x axis and y axis of the button, and we are using jf.getwidth() -100 to auto adjust it according to the screen size e.g when you press the maximize button. 6. PROVIDING NULL BODY IMPLEMENTATION TO THE REMAINING METHODS
  1. /* providing null body implementation for the
  2.  * remaining abstract methods of mouselistener interface
  3.  */
  4.   public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent mc) {}
  5.   public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {}
  6.   public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {}
  7.   public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {}
  1. public static void main(String[] args)
  2. {
  3.    ClickMe cm = new ClickMe(); // making the class object
  4.    cm.setComponents();         // call the setComponents function
  6.    }//end main
  7. }//end class
In the end writing the main function and creating the object of our Clickme class using the constructor (REMEMBER we have already set up the frame in the constructor). When the object is created constructor is called automatically and the frame will be set up because we have added the frame set up code in the constructor. Then call the setComponents function to add the button and the label. Close main and then the class. Here your first simple GAME- CLICK ME IF YOU CAN IS COMPLETE. OUTPUT: Button moves here and there when you bring your mouse near it. Click_Me Output


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