
Water Billing System for Beginners using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

Submitted by joel_daitol on
This Water Billing System is a Mini PHP Project that manages the water bills of their clients. This system stores the system users' credentials, client info, and clients' water bills. The system will automatically calculate the bill amount of the client upon saving the previous reading, present reading, and the price of water per cubic meter. I upload this because I want to help other beginners in

Advance Android Project Management and Browser

Submitted by elinet on
This project source code will help you write an android application for search, delete, update, connection to the internet, a mini browser, posting data to the web server. This project is written to assist those beginners in android development environment to boost their coding ability as the project offers much more than listed here.

Queue Interface in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

Queue Interface in JAVA

In this part of the tutorial set you will learn. 1) What is an interface Queue? 2) What is advantage of using Queue? 3) How to implement Queue in JAVA? What is a interface Queue? Queue is one of the data structure in the programming languages. Data structures are meant to store data in an organized manner. Queue can be of the first in and first out (FIFO) and they can also be of last in and first out type (LIFO). Every queue has different type of ordering properties. Here we will be discussing first in first out queue.

Exception Handling in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

Exception Handling in JAVA

In this tutorial you will learn: 1) What is exception in JAVA? 2) What is throw block? 3) What is try and catch block? What is exception in JAVA? Exception is some unusual event that may happen in the program which also requires special attention of the programmer. Dealing with the exceptions require a lot of overhead processing. Not every error has to be indicated by an exception. Exception separates the code that deal with the exception from the code which is executed during normal running of the program.

ArrayList (Dynamic Array) in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

ArrayList(dynamic array) in JAVA

In this tutorial you will learn 1) What is an ArrayList? 2) Why we use ArrayList? 3) How we use ArrayList? What is an ArrayList? ArrayList is a data structure. The ArrayList is java class that is extended from AbstractList class. It is actually an array but the property that makes it different from the ordinary array is that its size can be changed dynamically. The ordinary array’s size in unchangeable once defined.

2D Array in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

2D arrays in JAVA

In this part of tutorial you will learn 1) What is a 2D array? 2) Why we use 2D arrays? 3) How we use 2D arrays in java programming? What is a 2D array? One dimensional array is a linear array, while the two dimensional array is such an array which has the rows as well as columns. The 2 dimensional is an array within an array so the each entry is divided further allowing us more entries to be included. It is a nonlinear array which is has a vertical length and horizontal length as well. Why we use 2D arrays?

Structure of a Method in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

Structure of a Method in JAVA

In this tutorial you will learn 1. Basic structure of a method 2. Input into methods 3. Output from methods 4. How Methods are used in JAVA program Basic structure of a method The function in C programming are referred to as Methods in JAVA. They are the set of instruction which are clustered together to perform some specific operation to the input they are given and then the data is returned back to the main of the program or to the Method in which they arr called.

Unwanted Text Space Remover

Submitted by moazkhan on


Text Space Remover

In this tutorial you will learn:
  1. Event handling
  2. Layout Manager
  3. JAVA awt basics
  4. JAVA swing basics
  5. Adapters
  6. Anonymous classes
  7. Using two separate classes
Very often I face a problem when copying from PDF that there are random spaces in the text. So I decided to make a simple app for text adjustment. In this tutorial I will teach you how to make unwanted text space remover.