How to create Windows Phone 7 Application using C#

How to create Windows Phone 7 Application using C# Before you proceed, there's a software requirements: 1. Visual Studio 2010 or above 2. Windows Phone Emulator Kindly follow the instruction / procedures below: 1. Right click the VS2010 then click open 2. In VS2010, Click the Menu: File->New->Project… 3. Now click the Visual C#, Click the Windows Phone Application then type project name: PhoneApp1, finally click OK. 4. Now select any of the Phone OS Version then click OK 5. Note: This Step#5 is no need to code, To customize the Text, You must follow this. 6. Run your Mobile Windows Phone Application program, just click the > run icon 7. The output will display Other Options,For the Souce codes--Kindly download and see the Attached files "". Extract the "" then open the "MainPage.xaml" using notepad++ editor. Copy the soucecodes and paste it or overwrite it to your Visual Studio 2010's Built-in Mainpage.xaml.


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