ms access

Staff Information System

Submitted by oklaham070611 on
This system works same as the human resource system. You can; - Add New Employee - Log Leave Request VIEW/EDIT/PREVIEW/PRINT - Employee Information - Contacts .... and thats how its works... .... to avoid security warning just create a folder to c directory as your trusted location.. =========================================================== For support information, email: [email protected]

Simulating a Talking ATM system

Submitted by Walterjnr1 on
This is a talking Atm system I developed for a friend as a final year research project . this system is design for a blind customer of a bank. This system has all the features of a real ATM with additional features of a voice assistant. FEATURES OF OUR SYSTEM 1. Has a splash screen or welcome screen like the real ATM. 2. Has a login screen like the real ATM. 3. Will offer you options to withdraw

Item Delivery System

Submitted by unique1234 on
This application is written by C#. I used Microsoft Access as my database. This application is developed for person that E-Buy items sell locally. I used two layers. One for Database accessing other for presentation things. I have used Metro like interface for Main Window.And used Chart for analysing purposes. *** Copy the Sales.accdb to your D: root folder or you can edit the connection string

Employee Record Management Information System

Submitted by jamesmwania on
Hi All, Here is my first upload. I developed the database for the ABC name withheld. It is being used as you are reading this few lines. I have removed some modules to fit that newbie in Ms Access. Feel free to download and edit it the way you want. DO NOT SALE IT and if you do let me have 10%. Hahahahahaha. Username: admin Password: admin Username: james Password: james

Manage SQL Server scripts from MS Access 2010

Submitted by magicscreen on
The application was not fully tested with multiple SQL Servers. I did not have access to them. Feel free to alter as needed. This application allows the user to manage SQL Server scripts. It also allows the user to place SQL Server .SQL scripts in a "Run Once" Windows folder or in a general "Run Whenever" Windows folder. The scripts can be prioritized so they run in a specific order, if necessary

Cashiering and Student Account System

Submitted by tyronsoft on
Cashiering and Student Account System using visual basic 6.0 and ms access features: cashier username: cashier2010 password: 123 1. can process payment and assessment of students 2. can view the remaining balance of students 3. can view the payment history of students 4. can view the income of every department/courses admin username:admin password:admin 1. can modify the information of students