ms access

Simple Add, Update, Delete, Display and Search 2012

Submitted by roelzkie.delos… on
I have created a simple program that can add, update, delete, display and search MS Access database. It only contains a single form and a module. Hope this could be a good example. This program also provide code for Dragging the form with borderstyle set to none. No password covered in this program.

Job Ordering System

Submitted by joken on
This system is created using Visual studio 2008 and MS access for database support. The has many features and this feature will discuss on how to use the system. How to use Job Ordering System •When you first run the job order program, the main menu of job ordering system will show before the user log in. •The next form is the log in form that display when the user click the log in menu on the

Personal Alarm Scheduler

Submitted by joken on
This application is created using visual basic 2008 and Microsoft Access for Database. And this is currently used in Technological Center in Kabankalan to monitor the time shifting in every department especially their daily chores, Scheduled prayer and exact time monitoring for every period during classes. Using this application, you can set multiple alarm. Update and Delete the said alarm date

Library Management System using Libsoft Framework

Submitted by joken on
This is a student project, a Library Management system created using Visual Basic 2008 with a Libsoft framework, a Libsoft is an integrated, multi-user, user-friendly Library Management Software Package. It has been an excellent performance in various schools, Colleges, universities, Special and Public Libraries. And Microsoft Access as Database support. The system has a feature for adding

KCC-TC Automated Daily Time Record

Submitted by joken on
This is a capstone project created using Visual Basic 2008 with MS Access support for database. This system can be used as a tool for monitoring the daily time record of all students in a technological center even the employees of the said school. The system can work with the used of Barcode scanner or manual encoding of log in id number. It has also an administrator side where you can add a new

TTJ- Inventory System

Submitted by joken on
This TTJ- Inventory System is created using Visual Basic 2008 and supported with Microsoft access for database and I use crystal report for reporting and barcode generator as a third party for this system. And this system can monitor all kinds of assets registered on the system, the system can track all the transactions especially the In and Out of stocks, generate reports such as: List of all

Autonumber Generator using Visual Basic.Net

Submitted by joken on
In this lesson, I’m going to show you how to generate a customize autonumber using visual basic and Microsoft access as our database. We can use this autonumber to identify a unique record in a table, and it should only one autonumber field is allowed in each table. In our situation, we will generate autonumber by this mechanism start with the start and increment with the increment value. Meaning a Start value plus the Increment value.

Voter's ID Finder for Supreme Student Government using Visual basic.Net

Submitted by joken on
This time, I'm going to show you how to create a "Voter's ID finder" for Supreme Student Government. The system also has a load of all data from the database and you can also search for specific student by using the quick search and display the result to the datagrid. To start building this project, you need to add two textbox, three buttons, three label and a datagridview and last a timer.

Student Email Management System

Submitted by dah.factor on
Email Management System for students using visual basic 6 and ms access. Application Sample Account: Username: Admin Password: Admin If you have any questions and suggestions just comment or email me at [email protected] Facebook Account: Twitter Account: Youtube Account:

Computerized Payroll System VB6

Submitted by lnskhn on
Computerized Payroll System (Deprecated) Requirements: Visual Basic 6.0 Main Features: User-friendly System DTR (Time-in / Time-out) with History Add, Edit and Deactivate Employee Records Search Records (onChange event) Change Password, Modify Taxes/Deductions (can set taxes for specific employee) and View Employee Accounts Print Individual/All or Batch Search Payslip and many features