Cashiering and Student Account System

Cashiering and Student Account System using visual basic 6.0 and ms access features: cashier username: cashier2010 password: 123 1. can process payment and assessment of students 2. can view the remaining balance of students 3. can view the payment history of students 4. can view the income of every department/courses admin username:admin password:admin 1. can modify the information of students and cashier 2. monitor the user's log 3. can view student balance and payment history 4. can back-up/restore database student username:1234 password:1234 1. can view existing balance 2. can view previous assessment 3. can view payment history for complete sourcecode and documentation visit our website: contact info: 09102294835

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this program is password protected? do mind the password?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

i already run this software but report not run on the click event. may you help me???/ may you send me the database file of this software????

I tried opening it but still it can not run when I extracted it, it's like it can not find the modules and other forms.

pls help me i need code -cashiering-and-student-account-system

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