Staff Information System
Submitted by oklaham070611 on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 - 09:51.
This system works same as the human resource system.
You can;
- Add New Employee
- Log Leave Request
- Employee Information
- Contacts
.... and thats how its works...
.... to avoid security warning just create a folder to c directory
as your trusted location..
For support information, email: [email protected]...
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database password
sir.. does the database of the system has a password? sir., can i have the it.,please.. i just to make your system as my reference on my capstone project.. thank you.. here my email ad sir.. [email protected] or [email protected].. thank you..
Help me pls
Hello, i need help for my project i currently need is that how to create a leave system on my payroll system
hope you can help me up(:
Kindly Email me if you wan to help(:
[email protected]
Capstone thesis proposal
Hi I am searching for a title for my capstone 1 title for thesis proposal. And I found this Staff Information title. So I am hoping if someone can help me with this system please. Thanks.
You can email me at [email protected]
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