ms access

ATM System (Java GUI)

Submitted by donbermoy on
This ATM System was my student's work for Computer Programming 2 defense as their final requirements for this Java GUI Programming Subject. This ATM System was programmed through Java GUI and MS Access 2003 as database. This system features: - Login Verification - Account Registration - Balance Inquiry - Transfer Amount to other accounts - Deposit - Withdraw Account Information: username: admin

MAJ Microfinance Corporation Loan Collection System

Submitted by donbermoy on
MAJ Microfinance Corporation Loan Collection System is a complete loan collection system that was developed through Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Access 2003 Database. This system was one of the thesis I made for a particular school. This system features: - Client/Borrower Registration - New Member and Old Member Loan Application - Monthly Loan Payment - List of Payments - Interest Settings for

CHUMZ Construction Supply Delivery System

Submitted by donbermoy on
This CHUMZ Construction Supply Delivery System was my student's work as their project in their final defense in Computer Programming 2 since I handled this Java Subject. This project was programmed using Java GUI as frontend and MS Access 2003 as backend. This system features customer registration and information, product information such as sand, gravel, cements, hollow blocks, and rocks, user

Data entry and Autocomplete with Multiple Columns

Submitted by janobe on
In this tutorial I will show you how to save and autocomplete a textbox with multiple columns in Visual Basic 2008 and MS Access Database. As I expand my knowledge about autocomplete I discovered that you can put multiple columns/fields on it. So, it depends on you or your query, on how many columns/fields you want to exist. Let's begin: 1.Open Visual Basic 2008, create a project and do the Form just like this.

Picture Manager (updated version 1)

Submitted by cngirwa on
Picture manager help user to store picture to the database,edit picture name or delete picture. please open the read me first document before you open the system. thank you.. Updates: - Search functionality - Increased size of resolution (1025x650 pixels) - Reduced size (~750kb) For any question, please contact me via email or sourcecodester message modules. Please fill free to visit my other

Role Based Access Control Payroll System based on Departments

Submitted by Njenga on
helo! This is a VB.NET implementation of Role Based login . I have attached the zip code. U need Crystal Report installed to be able to access it. You also need Visual Studio 2008 and above. ROLE USERNAME PASSWORD superAdmin admin admin FOR A BRANCH LIKE ASIA: ROLE USERNAME PASSWORD superAdmin admin admin Admin adminasia adminasia FOR A BRANCH LIKE KENYA: ROLE USERNAME PASSWORD superAdmin admin

Advanced Hostel Management System v2.0 (VB.NET + MS Access)

Submitted by Raj.Sharma on
It’s an advanced Hostel Management System Project for multiple hostels management written in VB.Net as front end and MS Access 2010 as Back end. Main Features are: Hostelers Profile Entry Extra Services Entry Services Entry Allocation and De-Allocation Extend Agreement Change Hostel and Change room within same hostel Transaction Transaction Entry Purchased Inventory Payment Voucher Caution Money

Sales and Inventory System (Gadgets Shop) *UPDATED*

Submitted by Raj.Sharma on
This Sales and Inventory System for Gadgets shop is developed using C#.NET 4.0(Compatibility - Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012) and using MS Access 2010 database in the back end Main Features are: 1. Customers Profile 2. Billing 3. Inventory Management 4. Invoice Generation 5. Advance Records Searching 6. Advance Reports *Use Case diagram, ER Diagram and DFD are added in a zip file*