Library Management System using Libsoft Framework

This is a student project, a Library Management system created using Visual Basic 2008 with a Libsoft framework, a Libsoft is an integrated, multi-user, user-friendly Library Management Software Package. It has been an excellent performance in various schools, Colleges, universities, Special and Public Libraries. And Microsoft Access as Database support. The system has a feature for adding, Updating and Deleting of a Book, Magazines and Newspapers. It has also a borrowing system and can monitor the due date. It has also an option for adding, updating and deleting of library users or the borrower, and settings options for updating the current user. You can login to this system using this account: Username: admin Password: admin123 If you want to see some new Source Code or Application and Tutorials Just click here.

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Can you please help me to correct this error " The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. " Thank You!

I had this once there are two types either ur running 64x which means u have to change it to 64x or u forgotten the semicolon between the provider and the data source so check it there

" The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. " helpme please

can you give me the project report with DFD, ER diagram and DB structure

Ai put the source code already corrected reports

I would need to know what is the version of .NET Framework needed to execute this application. Is it number 4.0? If so, could I move it down to version 3.5? It is because the tool will be used on an old PC (Windows XP, single core, 512 MB RAM share with graphic card). Thank you.

please give me project report for dis project

Its really sad to see that so many Fake Developers on here. Most of themarrent helping or replying back to Users needing help. I've also downloaded a few sources and I yesterday I found out that a lot of them were stolen sources and added with a Fake Developer Name. I also emailed one of the Developers on this Site, He emailed me back with complete Broken english. Infact he couldn't even spell words correctly and found out that he isn't the Developer. He had me running arround for hours. Why would this case be different. These Fake Developers needs to be Kicked Off this Site and their Stolen products Removed.

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