Insert Data

CRUD Operation and SQL App using C# with Source Code

Submitted by Abdul Wahab on
This is a simple Source Code called CRUD Operation with Search in C# and SQL. This simple prohram will help you to learn how create a C# program that has a Create, Read, Update and Delete features with Search data. The source code itself uses only a single form where the said operation/feature can be done. Controls & Database The below list are the controls I have used. Forms TextBox Label Button

Vue.js Insert Data into MySQL Database using PHP

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This is the second part of my Vue.js CRUD tutorial wherein we are going to insert data into our database. I'll be making a customize modal with some styles from bootstrap to showcase how to hide/show a div using vue.js. In this tutorial, with the help of axios, we're gonna insert data into our database using our API.

How to Insert Data into MySQL Database using PHP, MySQLi, AJAX and JQuery

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial will show you how to insert data into mysql database using PHP, MySQLi, AJAX and JQuery. You might wonder why use AJAX and JQuery when you can insert into database using PHP and MySQLi. Yes, but with the use of AJAX and JQuery, you don't need to reload the page in doing an action. This tutorial will not give you a good design but will give you idea on the topic. Creating our Database

Easy and Simple Adding/Inserting Data into MySQL Database using PHP

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial will show you an easy and simple way in adding/inserting data into mysql database using 3 methods which are MySQLi Object-oriented, MySQLi Procedural and PDO. This tutorial does not include a good design but will give you knowledge in adding/inserting data into mysql database using the 3 methods. Creating our Database First, we're going to create a database that contains our data. 1

Insert and Delete Record in Database Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will create a simple Insert and Delete Record in Database Using PHP/MySQL. This simple tutorial creates or insert a new data from our webpage to our database. You can also delete the data you inserted. The purpose of this simple tutorial is to show the live updates of every data you inserted and deleted.

How To Insert Data in to a MySQLi Database through PHP

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial will be on allowing users to input data in to an HTML form, and then upload that data to a MySQL database through PHP. HTML: First we need our HTML form. This example will just be for a user to enter their username and email address, we will not do any validation or username checking (to assure no duplicate usernames within our website) as this is not the purpose of this tutorial.

Validating and Inserting User Data in PHP/MySQL(i)

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to take user input, check it against a database, and insert if it is not already present. This could be used for registration in terms of unique usernames. Database: First we need a database with one table. My database is called 'fln', table is called 'test', and it has two fields: id, int, 5 length, primary key, auto increment. username, varchar/string, 255