I would like to share here my Scheduling System in VB.Net Version, this system is only a part of my High School Enrollment System that consist of 8 modules(registrar,grader,controller,scheduler,checker/assessor, collector/cashier,administrator, and the Web Transcript).
This system covers timetable for a school, high-school or university. It uses a fast and efficient timetabling algorithm.
This has the capability show Room Schedule,Section Schedule, Faculty Schedule and can suggest Room Availability and Faculty Availability by displaying through graphical way.
This is a demo system so expect not all the functionality can be fully use.
Please fell free to use my DEMO system... and you can also visit my C# version for this one
Class Scheduling and Time Tabling System
Please fell free to use and PLEASE DONT FORGET TO COMMENT "Thanks" if you find my System useful to you... But if u take it for granted.. maybe I'll take some steps to remove this post =)
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